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With Mark Lesswing




A veteran advocate for innovation and data standards, Mark Lesswing has been involved with RESO from its earliest beginnings in 1999. Lesswing is the former CTO of the National Association of REALTORS® and current Senior Vice President at T3 Sixty. He is also co-chair of the RESO Distributed Ledger Workgroup.

In this video interview, Lesswing discussed the benefits that RESO standards provide MLS members.

“I believe the real value of RESO is the ability to look at vendors to bring into your market that you don’t have today that makes sense and brings value to your members,” said Lesswing, “Without standards, it gets very, very expensive to add new vendors in.”

Lesswing described how vendors can meet local demands of what MLS customers want when they all come together. He emphasized the fact that data standards make development less expensive and bring products to market much faster. Without standards, he said, vendors would have to spend thousands of dollars to adapt to each MLS system.

Lesswing believes that when MLSs implement RESO data standards, it allows them to focus on the needs of the people being served instead of worrying about keeping data synchronized. “If you can serve the true needs of the people, you actually have value,” said Lesswing.

Lesswing called the evolution of the Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS) to newer RESO standards a “continuum of improvements.” And he said that this phenomenon is not just limited to technology, but it can be applied to all kinds of business.

“There’s always been a better model as things get more efficient,” said Lesswing. “That is the nature of innovation. The RETS standard from 1999 worked for many years, but now it’s time to move on and catch up.”



Plan ahead! The next RESO conference is in New Orleans, April 20–23, 2020. Book your room now at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside! | EARLY BIRD DETAILS

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