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With Bill Gaul, CEO of Builders Update

A serial entrepreneur who started his first firm at 11 years old and is working on his fourth startup, Bill Gaul has been driven by solving problems. His first appreciation for standards came from his military experience, and it fueled Bill’s keen interest in joining RESO.


Although Gaul is new to RESO, as the CEO of Builders Update, he brings a new homes construction perspective to the development of industry standards.

In this video interview, Gaul discusses the value he’s found in attending RESO conferences. “I really love coming to RESO. From the networking, I am able to make contacts that I’m able to use as resources, and they’re able to use me as a resource as well.”

Gaul says MLSs are not really set up for home construction and he sometimes finds himself as the odd person in the room. But he is working with RESO to help create new standards that are friendlier to the new construction industry.

“I love standardization. It makes things easier to work with when everything is standardized,” said Gaul. You don’t have to rediscover fire when you work with a new client, because everyone’s working and singing off the same sheet of music.”

Gaul says that RESO can provide his builder clients information that will help real estate agents sell new homes, noting that the National Association of REALTORS® has stated that agents are responsible for 65 percent of new home sales.

Gaul also says that some of the biggest values of being a part of RESO is networking and the ability to build your credibility with the industry.

“For companies out there that are interested in dealing with MLSs…brokers…they need to be here at RESO. This is the best,” said Gaul. “This is a great place to be able to meet those people face to face that you’ve been dealing with on the phone or through email. This is all about developing relationships, and these relationships last.”

Finally, Gaul noted that RESO provides one of the industry’s lowest-cost conferences, making it easy to get a great return on investment.



To get the best rates, make sure to book your hotel early and register for the RESO 2020 Spring Tech Summit in New Orleans, April 20–23, 2020, at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside. | REGISTER AND BOOK YOUR HOTEL TODAY

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