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Collaboration is crucial to the creation, adoption and implementation of real estate standards. Bringing representatives together from all facets of our industry – from technology firms and brokerages to multiple listing services (MLSs) and associations –is one of the things RESO does best.

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For RESO Research & Development Workgroup Chair, Greg Moore, collaboration is what drives his workgroup’s success. The RESO R&D Workgroup is at the top of the funnel for the creation of new standards.

Moore has more than three decades of real estate technology experience and has been with Portland, Oregon-based Regional Multiple Listing Service (RMLS) for more than 15 years, now as their Chief Technology Officer. He is also an avid RESO standards user and evangelist.

In this video interview, Moore talks about the role that the Research & Development Workgroup plays in furthering RESO’s efforts. “It’s fun. It’s really cool, because we get the ideas, and we really get to flesh those out,” he says.

He describes how the workgroup goes through business cases and shares the information with RESO’s stakeholders. The R&D Workgroup helps to determine which challenges RESO can best address through the creation of standards.

Moore notes that diversity is required in the Research & Development Workgroup, as input is needed from the breadth and depth of the real estate industry – including from brokers, MLSs and technology vendors – in order to turn rough concepts into recognizable industry standards.

Some recent successes from the R&D Workgroup include:

  • the creation of an Organizational Unique Identifier meant to keep track of all MLSs, REALTOR® associations, real estate technology vendors and eventually brokers
  • several changes and additions to the Data Dictionary
  • support for the Council of Multiple Listing Services Green Data Best Practices guide for MLSs and other “best practices” guides.

One of the most exciting new R&D projects is the creation of a Universal Licensee Identifier (ULI). The lofty goal of this initiative, which has spawned its own biweekly subgroup, is to provide a unique ID to every licensed real estate professional (linked to all real estate licenses held) in order to create efficiency and clarity across all technology systems (association, MLS, franchisor, broker, agent and consumer-facing technology).

The ULI business case has been made, the critical success factors have been identified, a data pilot program involving MLSs in the Pacific Northwest has begun, and now the group is tapping industry leaders for licensee identification and deduplication tips. Help has been provided so far by the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO), an international trade association of real estate regulators, and the gatekeepers of the NRDS ID system at the National Association of REALTORS®, among others.

The ULI meetings have been fruitful so far. Although progress is being made on the ULI and other R&D initiatives, like developing standards for organization-sponsored listing tours (caravans) and for media modifications, the group is actively looking for new members and new business cases.

Said Moore, “I feel very fortunate to be the chair, and I say I’m still excited about it a couple of years later.”

Please visit the RESO R&D Workgroup page for more information. | JOIN A RESO WORKGROUP!

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