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We hope that you all enjoyed or are still enjoying the holiday weekend and some time off this summer.

We don’t want to get too much in the way of your down time, so we’re simply going to update you on one new member, one workgroup meeting from last week and the RESO meetings happening this week.

We’ll ramp things up again next week, but for now, we won’t interrupt your viewing of Hamilton, Eurovision Song ContestFloor is Lava or whatever other popular stay-at-home item happens to be on your watchlist. Speaking of Alexander Hamilton, we’ll leave you with this quote from Thomas Jefferson biographer, Jon Meacham, about the sorts of things that can occur in subgroups: “The Declaration of Independence, in fact, is the world’s most famous subcommittee report.” Think about that the next time you decide whether or not to attend a Certification or Universal Licensee Identifier Subgroup meeting.

Have a great week!


New Member

We would like to welcome Back At You to the RESO family. Welcome aboard!

Back At You Logo


RESO Committees and Workgroups

Note: Most links to workgroup information require member login to RESO’s online collaboration environment, Confluence.

Workgroup Weekly Activity Graphic
Research & Development Workgroup Meeting | July 2, 2020

Meeting Summary: The group determined that image Exif data should be left to real estate vendors to decide what to do with for now, so that topic will be shelved for the time being. The focus then moved toward further cleaning of our existing slate of business cases before next meeting; how best to research and work on items that align with RESO’s Strategic Plan priorities, as determined by the RESO Board of Directors; and how best to make progress on recently passed, current and future R&D items, including the addition of outside research consulting help and a brand new and more robust Business Case template. | CALL NOTES

Action Items

  • Continue to clean up the Research & Development Business Cases based on decisions made during this meeting (i.e., moving items to different categories like On Hold, Canceled or Completed).
  • Create a new Research & Development Business Case template.
  • Be thinking of possible new Business Cases.
  • Send Business Cases awaiting Data Dictionary Workgroup review to the Data Dictionary Discussions Forum in manageable waves.
  • Discuss additional research options about ULI topics with WAV Group in order to increase awareness, engagement and involvement.
  • Bring “broker pain points” documentation from past RESO conferences to WAV Group for possible R&D topics to research and consider.
  • Delve deeper into RESO BOD Strategic Plan items for possible R&D business cases.


Workgroup Meetings This Week

  • July 6: Transport (It was a good one. You should have been there.)
  • July 9: Board Liaison Committee (Limited to workgroup chairs or their proxies.)
  • July 9: Certification (Subgroup of Transport)
  • July 10: Universal Licensee Identifier (Subgroup of Research & Development)

Online Meetings Laptop Graphic


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