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Letter from the Chair 

Twenty years ago in 2002, RESO began as a workgroup of the National Association of REALTORS® with lofty goals for the real estate industry.

Making fundamental changes in a large, interconnected industry is not easy, but taking those critical first steps forward has created exceptional rewards.

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From left: Michael Wurzer, Rebecca Jensen, Richard Renton, John Breault and Sam DeBord.

Similarly, establishing an interstate highway system across the U.S. was an immense undertaking that created the ability to freely move across the country. It was a revolutionary idea in 1956 that was not completed until 1992, 36 years later.

Looking to modern technology, the Internet was barely a concept in the 1960s. In 2011, roughly two billion people were on the Internet, or about 30 percent of the world’s population. Ten years later, that number was up to 4.7 billion users, or 59.5 percent of the global population. It does not seem unfathomable that every person on the planet will be connected in ten more years.

Structural and technological achievements will continue to shape our lives, and RESO is in the business of understanding the trends in the structures that we build, manage, maintain and sell.

We point the way for technology that transports the information we need to serve the professionals who list homes, manage sales and serve the consumers who depend on them.

RESO is driving technological change with the annual release of fresh Data Dictionary fields, the continuous fine-tuning of the RESO Web API, the launch of groundbreaking new certification analytics, and increased awareness and usage of RESO’s identifier products.

The ongoing exploration and creation of new tech highways that allow real estate transactions to move freely has put RESO at the forefront of the real estate industry.

Stepping back to see how far we have come in 20 years, I burst with pride at our collective achievements. 

This 20th year will provide several watershed moments for RESO, as we update or launch more products and educate more people through our official designation than during any other year of our existence.

Thank you for your continued efforts toward making fundamental changes.

Rebecca Jensen
CEO, Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED)
Chair, RESO 2022 Board of Directors

RESO 2022 Spring Conference Recap

This recap covers the entire conference, including morning activities, midday treats, workgroup meetings and evening events. If you want to jump to a specific scheduled presentation, a list of quick links is provided. Workgroup meetings are covered in a different section of this issue of RESO Monthly.

Day 1: Welcome & RESO Today | Standards Without Borders | UPI in the MLS: How We Did It | Driving Technology Faster Using the Data Dictionary | Data Share Redesigned: Single Entry, Universal Distribution | Joint Showing Services Hub: A Collaboration Roadmap | 2022 State of the Rental Union

Day 2: RESO Analytics | Standards-Driven Desktop Appraisals | The Surprising Benefits of the Native RESO Data Dictionary Database | Awards & Bloody Mary Bar | Broker Advisory Workgroup & Tech Spotlight Session | CMLS Update | Roundtables | Spotlight Session – CoreLogic: Stuff RESO Folks Say…But Probably Shouldn’t

Day 3: Data Dictionary Driving Rental Inventory in the MLS | Pain Points


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Image by Rebecca Pearson, MRED.

Day 0

Holy smokes: As in the smoke of a soft mezcal or lightly spiced salsa enjoyed amidst the saguaro cacti in the night air of Tucson, Arizona. We had ourselves a time in the desert, bringing forth new experiences, ideas and advancements with our growing collection of tech-savvy members. Thanks to these incredible members and like-minded sponsors, RESO events continue to be a cut above the standard.

The event began with a bat signal RESO logo on the side of a mountain as a backdrop for our evening outdoor Welcome Reception sponsored by the MLS of Southern Arizona.

Day 1

The next morning and every morning thereafter, a hike took place around the beautiful trails surrounding our resort venue followed by a ready-to-eat breakfast (and lunch!) each day.

Rebecca Jensen, RESO Board Chair and CEO of MRED, and RESO CEO Sam DeBord got the speaking sessions kicked off with the biannual RESO Today to discuss RESO’s progression from certifications to industry insights through analytics that will empower data-driven decision making in bold new ways.

Andrew Binkley, President at Constellation1, joined Sam onstage to discuss how Canadians are aiding the standards effort in a talk called Standards Without Borders. From CREA’s French-Canadian Data Dictionary layer to the UPI and REACH Canada startups, North America is seeing the cross-border value of standards.

One of the biggest stories of the conference came from MLSListings. Specifically, Olga Ermolin, Director of Engineering, and Joel Allison, Senior Software Engineer, who shared how they implemented the RESO Universal Property Identifier (UPI) standard into their MLS system. They discussed the practical challenges the UPI solved and what they envision comes next for technology efficiency. One of the best quotes of the week came from Joel Allison when he laid out how exact matching is a luxury, not a necessity. “Failure is an option,” said Allison.

Next up was Paul Hethmon, CTO at AMP Systems, with Driving Technology Faster Using the Data Dictionary. Field and lookup changes can create pain points for MLS vendors and customers, but AMP’s full embrace of the RESO Data Dictionary has allowed them to build a system that can make changes in minutes, not months. Using the new RESO Field and Lookup Resources as a core metadata definition has enabled the creation of a highly flexible system for MLSs.

Jay Pepper-Martens, CTO at San Francisco Association of REALTORS® (SFAR), and Lori Coburn, IT Support Manager at MetroList, then presented Data Share Redesigned: Single Entry, Universal Distribution. MetroList and SFAR described their novel approach to ensuring that local markets get unique listing input features while also making sure that listing output is universally efficient and accurate.

In between sessions, an excellent Networking Lounge sponsored by Rental Beast was available for the duration of the conference.

Representatives from three of the largest MLSs in the country, Mark Bessett, RESO UPI Workgroup Chair and CTO at CRMLS, Chris Haran, RESO Cross-Platform Interoperability Workgroup Chair and CTO at MRED, and Ken Schneider, VP, Strategic Initiatives at Bright MLS, presented Joint Showing Services Hub: A Collaboration Roadmap. These three large MLSs worked together across multiple departments to create a collaborative service for real estate showings. The trio discussed the operational details of making this joint venture work.

Michael Lucarelli, CEO at RentSpree, presented an intriguing look at the 2022 State of the Rental Union. RentSpree also served as a Diamond Sponsor for the conference, culminating in a unique evening reception at the Pima Air & Space Museum, where revelers were allowed to enjoy a self-guided tour of more than 400 historic aircraft and 125,000 artifacts, many dating back to WWII.

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Want to see more from the reception? Check out the collection of photos taken at the event, courtesy of Jeff Turner, Co-Founder of Tangilla.

Prior to that crosstown evening reception at Pima, attendees dipped into an afternoon of workgroup sessions and enjoyed a happy hour sponsored by

Day 2

The second day opened with a live unveiling of RESO Analytics by RESO CTO Josh Darnell, and Dan Troup, Director of Data Operations & Strategy at RE/MAX. RESO’s new certification-reporting platform created the foundation for RESO Analytics, and Josh and Dan walked the audience through the tool’s reporting features that will incite data-driven decisions for RESO members through objective, transparent insights. Thanks to a strategic investment in technology development by the National Association of REALTORS®, the RESO Analytics tool is operational and in beta. It will be driving the information shared on our certification map and lists within Q2 2022.

Jeff Allen, President at CubiCasa, and Mitch Dorius, VP at DataMaster, spread the RESO spirit of “coopetition” to the appraisal side of the real estate transaction with an enlightening presentation called Standards-Driven Desktop Appraisals. Each spoke on how they are streamlining the consumer appraisal experience and adding unique data elements to real estate information systems in the wake of the new Fannie Mae “Desktop” appraisal requirements.

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Dana Bennett, VP of Industry Engagement & Standards at REcolorado, and Shayne Fairley, COO at Stellar MLS presented The Surprising Benefits of the Native RESO Data Dictionary Database. Each organization has converted their native MLS database to the RESO Data Dictionary. Allowing systems to speak the same language creates quicker integrations and the ability to roll out new tools faster. Removing the technology translation layer has created technology and communications efficiency.

We took a break between presentations to hand out awards to those who have converted their customers from RETS to the RESO Web API, to graduates of the WWRED program and to workgroup superstars. The moment will be remembered forever for etched glassware and smiling faces followed by the ever-popular Bloody Mary Bar, sponsored by Canopy MLS

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The second day’s afternoon sessions began with the Broker Advisory Workgroup and a Tech Spotlight Session on Realogy, the world’s largest real estate brokerage franchisor. Its brands require technology that seamlessly works with their brokers. Jeff Bosch, CEO at IRES MLS and Broker Advisory Workgroup Chair, sat with Caitlin McCrory, VP of Industry Relations at Realogy, to discuss how Realogy makes decisions about broker tech and where standards need to progress to streamline transactions further.

Denee Evans, CEO of CMLS, offered a CMLS Update, highlighted by their latest “Best Practice Resource Guide – A Resource For Fair Housing: Internal and External Review,” their MLS policy and implementation efforts leading to an implementation guide for NAR Policy Statements 8.6 and 8.7, and their filing of an Amicus Brief to the United States Supreme Court in support of petition for certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States in Designworks Homes, Inc. v. Columbia House of Brokers Realty, Inc. CMLS believes consumers should be able to market their homes for sale with simple floor plans without risk to themselves, agents, brokers and MLSs.

Thanks to sponsorship from Stellar MLS, a lively set of in-person and online roundtables took shape for an hour in the afternoon. Check out all the action!

Going Native vs. Using a Translation Layer
Moderator: Shayne Fairley, COO, Stellar MLS
Do you really need to have your database native, or is a translation okay? What does a native Data Dictionary conversion look like for boots-on-the-ground MLS staff? What benefits does your organization see right away, and what’s the long-term outcome? The group was engaged, and the Data Dictionary Workgroup Chair, Rob Larson, was on hand to help Shayne along.

Better WWRED Than RED…
Moderator: Sam DeBord, CEO, RESO
…as in red in the face because you don’t know the basics of how data operates in the real estate industry. Sam shared the ins and outs of what’s covered in the Working with Real Estate Data (WWRED pronounced “red“) course and how to receive your RED-B designation.

The State of Internet Tracking in Real Estate
Moderator: Chris Lambrou, Metro MLS
Thanks to newer laws, it’s getting harder to track your activity across the Internet. With the push of a button, you can be virtually invisible. Or are you? What’s the meaningful path forward for Internet Tracking for real estate purposes?

Stitch Export 33Insights Through RESO Analytics
Moderator: Josh Darnell, CTO, RESO
That which can be measured should be. RESO and its members now have access to broad new data sets through certification. The roundtable discussion ranged from weekly testing by RESO for the entire industry to letting consumers run tests themselves. The RESO Analytics tool can currently show which markets a certain set of products will work in (like green features or showing information, for example). Members are encouraged to attend the next Certification Analytics meeting in June to learn more and to help determine what insights we should provide the industry. 

What’s New in DD 2.0?
Moderator: Jason Darrough, Technical Product Manager, RESO
Jason discussed the new resources, fields and lookups that are coming to the Data Dictionary this year, and he also noted what is being cut, like all KeyNumeric fields. As the dictionary matures, it has reached a point where it will not only expand but contract where necessary to support data producers and consumers.

Internet of Things 
Moderator: Cameron Paine, HouseCanary
Data is in your doorbell. Personal information is contained in your thermostat. What happens to this data when a home is sold, and do we need standards around it? It’s a fascinating topic that RESO will continue to explore as we interact more electronically with our homes in order to assure that the pod bay doors will open upon command.

Creating an Industry Interrelational Map
Moderators: Chris Haran, MRED & Catharine MacIntosh, Real Estate Dot Love
What if we could map out the relationships of all people and systems in the real estate industry to assess where we can add efficiency? It’s a big lift, but it’s possible. The conversation from past Interoperability Workgroup meetings gained a new audience and a fresh bolt of lightning.

Is My House an NFT Now?
Moderator: Teresa Grobecker, CEO, reConsortia
Remember when you sent your first email, bought your first item (probably a book) on Amazon, saw the word Google on a white background for the first time? What was once different is now daily behavior. Teresa explored crypto, NFT, Web3 and more in front of a packed and curious audience. Today’s cryptic crypto markets will be yesterday’s second nature if we stay on top of it as an industry.

Bring Your Fresh Ideas to Research & Development
Moderators: Sara Fogg, Director of Product and Implementation, NEREN; Maria Dalacaro, Senior Software Engineer, Move, Inc.; Kaitlyn Fritz, MLS Staff, Bryan-College Station Regional Association of REALTORS®
The Research & Development Workgroup is one of the major gateways for getting fresh ideas and necessary changes into the real estate technology ecosystem. There was renewed discussion about the Showing Subgroup’s recent work from an implementation standpoint in a real-world example that one MLS is working on. Transaction management platforms and CRMs were discussed in regards to allowing for consumer choice in those areas, two topics that the Interoperability Workgroup has been exploring. Attendees asked for RESO’s help in conveying the importance of the Web API versus RETS through marketing pieces, especially for smaller MLSs with limited budgets. And, finally, the group discussed auditing vendor websites for back-end data.

Hot Topics in Data Transport: Giving Teeth to the RESO Web API
Moderator: Ivaan Nazaroff, Software Engineer, CoreLogic
Discussions ranged from ways to give more power to the Web API (express how it provides less software to maintain and servers to care for and feed, plus less load on database servers and fewer data requests from vendors); paging implementation (top and skip, continuation token, implementing tech that wouldn’t tilt MLS databases); interest level in using data in real time (meaning no sync latency and no storage costs) and the bang/buck quotient for the different players in the conversation (i.e., NAR, RESO, vendors, MLSs, existing clients, new clients).

Bringing More and Better Rental Fields Into the Standard
Moderators: Brian Preston, Senior Director of Brand & Brokerage Partnerships, RentSpree; Ernie Deeb, Product Manager, RentSpree
Discussions ranged around the state of rentals today, specifically as relates to listings in MLSs and technology innovation. RESO recently established a Rental Subgroup, and the metadata collection for including standardized fields into the Data Dictionary is well underway. Regarding that effort, the group felt that addition by subtraction (e.g., less focus on adding rental fields and more focus on removing or adapting sale fields for rental inputs) was the best path forward. They discussed standardizing policy fields (e.g., pets, insurance, smoking), utility responsibilities (tenant pays vs landlord pays), compensation (more variance with rentals than sales) and concessions. The group also felt that rental requirements in the MLS and standardizing 3D tours would be helpful, as different providers require individual support, and that vacation rentals of less than a month aren’t worth standardizing, though short-term rentals (by month) could be useful with a helpful separation of fields/requirements.

To learn about and participate more with workgroup topics, sign up to join a workgroup.

CoreLogic staff presented a light-hearted Spotlight Session called Stuff RESO Folks Say…But Probably Shouldn’t featuring Markus Mathieson, Principal, Information Technology Production Application Support; Al McElmon, Senior Leader, Software Engineering; and Margaret O’Sullivan, Senior Manager, Program Management. Common misconceptions around RESO standards and their implications on the MLS included “no one supports the Web API,” “the Data Dictionary is too limiting” and “replication is bad.”

The second day was rounded out with workgroup/subgroup updates for Research & Development, Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI), Transport and Certification.

The evening’s frivolities began with the host hotel’s nightly Tequila Toast. Every evening at sunset includes a story and a complimentary shot of tequila from a collection of more than 150 artisan tequilas. “Arriba, Abajo, al Centro, al Dentro, Salud!” (Up, down, out and in!).

During our last conference, we established a loose and joyous final-night tradition called Last Call with TourZazz with cocktails and cigars. This sequel version was as good as the first one.

Day 3

The third and final day of meetings began with a joint Universal Property Identifier (UPI) and Distributed Ledger Workgroup discussion.

Ishay Grinberg, Founder & President at Rental Beast, continued to emphasize the impact that rentals are starting to have on the industry in a presentation entitled Data Dictionary Driving Rental Inventory in the MLS, which provided an update about how far we’ve come and how far we have to go. Rental Beast, who was also a Platinum Sponsor, has been a great partner in driving the collection of metadata from multiple companies through the Data Dictionary’s Rental Subgroup.

In addition to the in-demand Bloody Mary Bar, we added a Mimosa Bar courtesy of Constellation1 on the final day of the conference. Given that the spirited “Pain Points” session is also on the last day, some swell sweet spirits seemed in order as well.

The Data Consumers Subgroup, recently formed as a spur of Transport, then provided focus on efficiency for real estate technology consumers. As this group’s work is heavily influenced by RESO’s Pain Points, Rick Herrera, VP of R&D at Constellation1, remained at the helm of the discussion as it transitioned from subgroup meeting to the final session of the conference. As intended, meaningful gripes, concerns and pet peeves about real estate technology inefficiency were brought to RESO to solve.

Topics ranged from the expense of moving to Web API from RETS, especially for smaller organizations; the importance of maintaining backwards compatibility; moving away from VOW/IDX into a single feed; and creating predictability for custom/local fields in a commingled parent resource or in a separate resource (both exist today and most seem to prefer commingled with the parent resource).

Much more will come to light and fruition in future Data Consumers meetings and Pain Points sessions from what was discussed in the last session and throughout the conference. We couldn’t be more thrilled with the response of our engaged and active membership, which carries us across these treacherous lands, fields, resources and lookups.

All conference presentations will soon be available on RESO’s member-only Confluence collaboration workspace, and some of them will also appear on our public website as blog posts or otherwise.

2022 RESO Fall Conference

Renaissance Vinoy Resort

The 2022 RESO Fall Conference will be held October 24–27, 2022, at The Vinoy Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club in St. Petersburg, Florida. Registration is open, along with the hotel block.

Per usual, the event will begin with a Welcome Reception on Monday evening, October 24, followed by sessions and meetings beginning Tuesday morning, October 25. 


If you are interested in being a sponsor, contact

Thanks again to our Spring 2022 Sponsors!

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New Members

Commercial & Industrial Real Estate Brokers
Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Brokers (CIREB) is a professional trade association that represents the common interests of its members who are engaged in all aspects of the commercial and industrial real estate business in New York’s Capital Region and its extended Tech Valley.

Evolved Technologies
Evolved Technologies combines top talent with modern software to bring your vision to life. They design, develop and deploy mobile and web software products.

The homegenius family of companies offers sophisticated, simple and trustworthy solutions from search to close. They believe that change comes about through the pairing of breakthrough technology and trusted industry relationships, from connecting the power of what can be done in the cloud to what people need on the ground and when processes are reshaped with software that empowers people to move confidently toward their real estate goals. 

Matrix Rental Solutions
Matrix is a tenant analysis fintech platform that is working toward changing the landscape of the growing $500 billion rental housing market. Their proprietary scoring model called MAIA (Matrix Asset & Income Analysis) produces a thorough, inclusive tenant scoring that allows landlords and property managers to underwrite and approve tenants in less than 15 minutes, particularly in the area of affordable housing.

Revive built a real estate platform that combines guidance, financing and a proven process. By expanding the same network, capital and process nationwide, they enable even the one-time seller to leverage just like a professional. They also empower homeowners to do renovations to maximize their return on their most significant asset: their home. Their mission is to secure a better future for homeowners everywhere.

REsource Analytix
REsource Analytix helps REALTORS® and their clients understand the real estate market so that they can make better pricing and purchasing decisions by harnessing the key part of the service that REALTORS® provide: market knowledge. They help the REALTOR® communicate this knowledge to buyers and sellers to achieve the best possible decisions. Brokers that have clear and up-to-date market information on their websites drive traffic and generate leads. In addition, REsource Analytix produces a monthly market newsletter and other publications.

LandSearch is a small but growing group of marketers and developers working toward the creation of an innovative and engaging land marketplace that brings together all aspects of land ownership, starting with finding land for sale. They record, analyze and iterate to ensure the delivery of high-quality leads.

We’re glad to welcome all of these new members to the RESO fold!

RM New Members 2.0

WWRED (Pronounced “Red”)

RESO Logo RED B WWREDRESO’s Working with Real Estate Data (WWRED) course for real estate professionals covers all angles of real estate data. Who owns it? How does it flow through the industry? What is involved in standardizing it?

In WWRED news this month, we gave away Leading Edge Awards for leadership in promoting industry education by way of the WWRED course. The success of WWRED has been shown through the many course completions by staff within the list of recognized brokers, technology companies and MLSs.

Leading Edge Award: Leadership in Promoting Industry Education with the WWRED Course

  • Midyear ExpoBooth 2Bright MLS
  • CoreLogic
  • FBS – Creators of FlexMLS
  • Leading Real Estate Companies of the World
  • MetroList
  • Move, Inc.
  • Opendoor
  • Realtors Property Resource® (RPR)
  • Stellar MLS

We also made the WWRED course the centerpiece of our expo floor display on May 4–5 at the NAR Legislative “Midyear” meeting in the National Harbor in Maryland. 


On the RESO Blog

Announcing the 2022 Award Winners at RESO Spring Conference

RESO presented its list of 2022 award winners in three categories:

  • Leading Edge Award: For Leadership in RESO Web API Adoption
  • Leading Edge Award: For Leadership in Promoting Industry Education with RESO’s “Working with Real Estate Data – Business Module” (WWRED) Course, which confers the RED-B Designation
  • RESO Contributor Awards: For Outstanding Contributions in a RESO Workgroup


RESO is often invited to participate in industry events, and we’ll highlight our involvement in this “RESO At” section of RESO Monthly.

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From left: Sam DeBord, M. Ryan Gorman, and Brian Donnellan at ICNY 2022 | Image by AJ Canaria & Mercedes Santiago, MoxiWorks.

Inman Connect NY

ICNY’s Tech and Data Track was moderated by RESO CEO Sam DeBord and long-time RESO alum, Amy Gorce of PRESTA Team. Highlights included discussions on offer management, build-or-buy technology debates and even the Web3 metaverse. Bright MLS CEO Brian Donnellan and Coldwell Banker CEO M. Ryan Gorman, headlined one of the most press-worthy sessions, discussing opportunities and difficulties for MLSs and brokerages working together to create a seamless technology experience for customers. An emphatic appeal to “demand action” on standards was a welcome message to close out the conference. | READ MORE (May require a subscription to Inman.)


Midyear ExpoBooth 12022 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Expo

RESO exhibited on the expo floor on May 3–4, 2022, at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center at the National Harbor in Maryland, just outside of Washington, DC. We answered many interesting and specific standards questions that could land in a workgroup near you, and we promoted the heck out of the RED-B designation, our products, how to get involved in a RESO workgroup and more.

We were also present in meetings and post-meeting festivities put on by members and industry friends. RESO was present in the MLS Forum Breakouts, in a joint meeting with Cove and CMLS, in the NAR REACH booth at the expo, at the MLS Policy Committee meeting, and out on the town with, Zillow, dynaConnections, CRS Data and Supra, to name a few.

And it certainly didn’t stop there. RESO is in the midst of a mission to get our name in front of everyone in the real estate industry. Our message will have much more impact if more people know who we are. We’re getting so good at it now, that it sometimes offends people when we ask, “Do you know what RESO is?”

Three Questions

The Three Questions interview series that introduces you to real estate industry professionals with a touch of personality took a slight break during a heavy spring of conference activity, including our own conference.

Dozens of new interviews are already in the can and will be released on Fridays. Here’s who has been interviewed since the last RESO Monthly:

It’s not a podcast and it’s definitely not Tolstoy, but we think you’ll enjoy it. | VISIT THREE QUESTIONS

Meeting Spotlight – FrontageType vs. WaterfrontFeatures Focus Group

Shutterstock 1743722480 Scaled E1652215578544FMLS in Georgia asked the Data Dictionary Workgroup to review the FrontageType and WaterfrontFeatures lookup lists for redundancy and utilization. There is a crossover of frontage information in the WaterfrontFeatures field, which also can express non-frontage features like access.

We’re gearing up to get this group together. We have a good amount of volunteers from many different locales and will get a meeting date in place after we receive usage stats from the new RESO Analytics tool.

RESO Workgroup Meetings

The meetings held from April 26 to 28 were held in person at the RESO Spring Conference in Tucson, Arizona.

Transport Workgroup | April 4, 2022
The Transport Workgroup discussed new Web API Core and Payloads specifications, including support for expanded data elements. The group also discussed local extension, moving the Add/Edit Endorsement forward and the Transport Specifications repository. | CALL NOTES

Research & Development Workgroup | April 7, 2022
The group discussed open business cases, including Defining Multiple Uses in a Single Payload, Unique Organization Identifier (UOI) and Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI). The group also discussed how these cases should be covered at the 2022 RESO Spring Conference. | CALL NOTES

Data Dictionary & Payloads Workgroups | April 26, 2022
The meeting at the 2022 RESO Spring Conference covered the process to bring changes to the Data Dictionary along with an update on the progress of the subgroups. Additionally, there were two votes, both passed, to add new fields called AttributionContact (NAR broker attribution requirement) and GrossLivingAreaAnsi (Fannie Mae Desktop Appraisal requirement) to the Property Resource. The additions and deprecations in the release of Data Dictionary 2.0 were also covered. | CALL NOTES | WATCH MEETING VIDEO

Interoperability Workgroup | April 26, 2022
The meeting held during the 2022 RESO Spring Conference covered the next focus of the workgroup in facilitating interoperability between different systems and driving adoption of existing resources in the RESO Data Dictionary. Additionally, a three-person panel discussed what their respective organizations are doing to ease broker, agent and client use of OM (Offer Management) and connecting systems when navigating a real estate transaction. | CALL NOTES | WATCH MEETING VIDEO

Broker Advisory Workgroup | April 27, 2022
The meeting held during the 2022 RESO Spring Conference was less of a discussion and more of a fireside chat between the workgroup’s chair, Jeff Bosch, and Caitlin McCrory, VP of Industry Relations at Realogy, to discuss how Realogy makes decisions about broker tech and where standards need to progress to streamline transactions further. | CALL NOTES | WATCH MEETING VIDEO

Research & Development Workgroup and Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) Subgroup | April 27, 2022
The meeting held during RESO’s 2022 Spring Conference was a collaboration of the R&D and ULI groups and focused primarily on the advancements of the ULI Data Pilot project in the Bay Area, which has become quite advanced. Greg Sax provided a 15-minute update on the ongoing evolution of the Unique Organization Identifier (UOI) prior to an hour-long discussion about the ULI pilot with panel guests. | CALL NOTES | WATCH MEETING VIDEO

Transport Workgroup and Certification Subgroup | April 27, 2022
The meeting held during the 2022 RESO Spring Conference discussed the increased usage of GitHub by the Transport Workgroup, starting at Discussion time was given to the new Lookup Resource, the Certification Analytics Focus Group, Data Dictionary 2.0 Testing Rules, the new Field Resource, Local Extension, Expanded Data Elements, Web API 2.1.0, Payloads 2.0, Add/Edit, the URN Subgroup, the 2022 RESO Roadmap and the creation of a biannual RESO Developer Conference during summer and winter. | AGENDA | WATCH MEETING VIDEO

Universal Property Identifier (UPI) and Distributed Ledger Workgroups | April 28, 2022
The collaborative meeting held during the 2022 RESO Spring Conference explored UPI and UPI Registry advancements with a heavy focus on the implementation work performed by MLSListings. Distributed Ledger Vice-Chair, Teresa Grobecker, spoke about the goals of their workgroup for 2022, blockchain and how it can positively impact the real estate and connected industries in the future. | UPI CALL NOTES | DL CALL NOTES | WATCH MEETING VIDEO

Upcoming RESO Workgroup Meetings

  • Wednesday, May 18: Internet Tracking
  • Thursday, May 19: Data Dictionary
  • Thursday, May 19: Certification (Subgroup of Transport)
  • Tuesday, May 24: Distributed Ledger
  • Wednesday, May 25: Universal Property Identifier (UPI)
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