by G. Sax, Head of Communications, RESO
This week, we chatted with Aaron Smith, the Director of Sales at CubiCasa, about working sales in a DevOps world, unique career shifts and bedtime. Enjoy!
Q1: You have been a sales professional for the past decade, so it’s interesting that you have become a fairly regular contributor to RESO conferences, which includes more development and back end folks than the average work conference. Of course, real estate is an industry full of salespeople. Do you approach sales any differently with the RESO crowd vs. other potential customers?
Aaron: Not at all. I think that’s what makes it more fun. These people are actually passionate about what they’re building. Talking tech to tech is more about what we can do together. The MLS needs a return of value for their membership, and I happen to work for a company that can provide that value.
I have asked myself, “Why do I go to RESO conferences?” Especially when my entry into the real estate space was through photography.
RESO: What was your answer?
Aaron: Free breakfast and lunch. No, just kidding.
I always knew that MLS was the stamp of approval in real estate tech. If the MLS is comfortable with what you are doing, it’s easier to move along in that space.
RESO is one of my favorite conferences to go to, because it’s the most active among my annual meetings. Every RESO meeting has substance, the ball always moves forward. At other conferences, it’s sometimes difficult to find the people doing the actual work.
Q2: You were a pastor at one point in your life. Do you think that experience lent itself to a career in sales? I don’t mean in terms of “selling” an idea or product but in terms of offering people what they are asking for.
Aaron: Absolutely. The joke I used to make is if I can sell a lifetime commitment, 10% of their income, two days of their lives and no guarantee of success, then I can work in sales.
On the back of that, it is about believing in the product that I’m selling, which I did then and I do now. And I’ve never had more fun than I am right now.
Q3: You live on 12 acres of land, you are a proclaimed early bird and you are almost matter-of-factly not a prototypical industry relations guy. Is your home life a direct response to your career choice or is your career choice in conflict with your true self?
Aaron: I would say that my lifestyle is a reaction to my career choice. I like the crowds, people, meetings, going from lunch to meeting for dinner. It is undeniably exciting.
Conferences like the ones RESO put on facilitate all of that. But I love when I’m home and I’m away from that, too.
Even my hotel room will suffice, so I can get to bed by 9:30 pm.
Three Questions is an interview series that features real estate industry professionals, their businesses and how they interact with real estate standards in a fun way.