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Universal Parcel Identifier

RESO Universal Parcel Identifier (UPI)

Property data is inconsistent when it relies upon addresses and standalone parcel numbers for identification. The RESO Universal Parcel Identifier (UPI) was created to simply and consistently record facts about a property against a unique identifier.

The UPI is a straightforward standard that can be built into property records. It is currently in version 2.0 with a new, URN-based model for universal uniqueness (the name was also updated to more accurately describe the parcel identifier vs. property identifier). It organizes standard components into a model that can be supported by any organization: codes for country and region assigning parcel numbers, the parcel numbers themselves, and subcomponents of the property.

Some of the industry’s largest MLS software and public records companies distribute the UPI in their property records API services. With the UPI in property records at the source point for new listings, downstream data consumers can accurately identify properties and attach additional information to these records consistently. | DETAILED UPI SPECIFICATION

The RESO UPI Workgroup

The RESO UPI Workgroup brings subject matter experts in real estate listing and public records data together to support and improve the model over time. Adoption of the standard by large public-facing real estate technology companies and B2B data providers has made the UPI a critical starting point for attaching robust real estate data to property records with these unique identifiers. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE UPI WORKGROUP

UPI Builder

RESO provides a simple UPI Builder tool to help understand how a UPI is created from a parcel number. A marketplace UPI implementation would involve thousands, if not millions of records, created automatically via the standard model.  Additional data, such as geocoding or public records can be added to property data records with the UPI as the defining linkage.


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