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ADRES logoThe latest addition to this year’s International MLS Forum, organized by RESO and CEPI, the European Association of Real Estate Professions, exhibits the broad scope and importance of this event. From Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, the proptech venture developer Advanced Real Estate Services (ADRES) and its General Manager, Mr. Moath Maqbool, will participate in the forum.

The ADRES mission to shape an open, efficient, transparent technology landscape continues to expand the reach of the forum’s aligned global goals of innovation and development of open international business and technical standards. RESO is honored to have ADRES join us in the forum.

From the ADRES news release:

The Advanced Real Estate Services (ADRES) continues to strengthen its leadership in the digital transformation of the UAE real estate sector, striving to achieve the highest levels of efficiency, transparency and excellence in customer service.

In line with this vision, Mr. Moath Maqbool, General Manager of ADRES, will be attending the 2024 MLS Forum in Milan, Italy, on October 7, 2024. This highly anticipated event is a key gathering for global real estate professionals, bringing together top-tier experts to explore the latest advancements in Multiple Listing Services (MLS).

The MLS system plays a vital role in enhancing market transparency, streamlining property transactions and delivering a superior user experience. ADRES’s presence at this forum underscores its commitment to adopting cutting-edge global practices and integrating them into the UAE’s real estate landscape.

The introduction of the MLS in the UAE is expected to significantly boost market efficiency, build trust among stakeholders, and provide a more transparent and organized experience for buyers and investors.

Stay tuned for more updates on ADRES’s participation in this important event and its pioneering role in shaping the future of real estate in the UAE.

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