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RESO Web API Replication: Fact Not Fiction

By Jeremy Crawford One of the most exciting things about new technology is watching all the various ways companies leverage innovations. Web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), pioneered by Salesforce in 2000, continue to drive innovation in all industries,...

7 Technological Innovations May Conquer Real Estate Industry in 2018

Guest blog by Jamie Moulton, Senior Content Curator, Technology has conquered almost every industry field, and it is time for the real estate industry to rise and shine. Technology has made it easy for both real estate agents and potential homebuyers...

Determining the Real Value of RESO: A Tech Start-Up Case Study

By Jeremy Crawford Over the years, RESO has wanted to more fully answer a common question prospective members have: What is the real value of RESO to my business? It’s a question particularly vexing for budding, bootstrapped start-up tech firms. It would make my...

RESO Elects 2018 Officers and Directors

RESO announced the results of its Board of Directors election and appointments of directors, as well as its 2018 officers. “Testament to the growing success and influence of RESO, this board election attracted the largest number of candidates ever to vie for open RESO...

RESO Offers Real Estate Business Rules as a Best Practice

By Jeremy Crawford MLSs with well-documented business rules can move to a new MLS system, add additional front-ends or integrate other software that also requires use of business rules with a lot less friction and do so much more swiftly than MLSs that do not. That...

RESO San Diego Hits a Homer with DataComp and Other Highlights

By Jeremy Crawford The first time you attempt anything is a risk. But when you back that risk with $25,000 in cash prizes and invest $15,000 in hosting the event, you are especially delighted when the result is a success. Everyone involved in the RESO DataComp at our...

Bridge Interactive Earns RESO Platinum Certification

Bridge Interactive® was the first company to earn the RESO Web API Platinum Certification. Real estate professionals accessing listing data via the Bridge API have the ability to access any authorized field in the MLS database in one place, with one API call....

Five Ways RESO Data Standards are Benefiting Brokerages

By Jeremy Crawford Real estate standards are coming of age with the massive number of potential benefits to brokers, agents and consumers that both the RESO Web API and Data Dictionary 1.6 update are going to deliver. The time for real estate brokerages and brokerage...

RESO Rolls Out RETS 1.9, Announces the Sunset of the RETS Workgroup

At the RESO 2017 Spring Summit in Austin, Texas, Paul Stusiak, Falcon Technologies President and Chair of the RESO RETS (Real Estate Transaction Standard) Workgroup, summarized the latest improvements to RETS with the release of RETS 1.9. Many of the same updates for...

The MLS Achieves RESO 1.5 Data Dictionary Platinum Certification

The MLS, a Southern California-based MLS, has been awarded RESO’s Data Dictionary 1.5 Platinum certification, the highest level of certification offered by RESO. The MLS earned this level of certification for its internal system, as well as for the Palm Springs...

Connecting Standards: RESO and OpenID Connect

Don Thibeau, The OpenID Foundation, with Jeremy Crawford, CEO, Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) One of the sure signs of increasing momentum is when other standards organizations adopt yours. And it’s particularly noteworthy when that adoption not only builds...

The Controversial Pivot to API with RESO CEO Jeremy Crawford

RETS has been a solid technology standard for 15 years, and many vendors are resistant to make the change to API. But as the needs of mobile shift the industry, a new “interstate” is necessary. Jeremy Crawford, CEO of RESO, discussed the details of this...

RESO Honors Outstanding Volunteers at 2017 Spring Tech Summit

At its sold-out 2017 Spring Technology Summit in Austin, Texas, RESO honored more than two dozen of its leaders and members for their outstanding personal contributions with its 2017 Spring Tech Summit Awards. Collectively, these individuals contributed thousands of...

Software Incubator Accelerates RESO Data Dictionary Compliance

Launches New Automated Testing System to Speed Up New Standards Adoption in Real Estate MORRISVILLE, NC–(Marketwired – Apr 5, 2016) – The real estate industry’s Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) is launching a new automated data...

RESO for Brokerages: Four Ways New Standards Will Shape Your Future

The key to the success for the future of all real estate brokerages will be data standards. This is not hyperbole, it is a fact, and let me explain why. Today real estate brokerages struggle with profitability. Shrinking margins have become the business norm. To keep...

RESO and the Real Estate Tech Startup: What’s In It for You?

Joining the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) may be one of the smartest tactical moves that a real estate startup can make, according to the leaders of two hot real estate tech startups. Both Krishna Mayala, cofounder and CEO of TLCengine, and Charles...
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