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With Colette Stevenson, CEO of Hilton Head Island MLS




Collette Stevenson is an active RESO volunteer. She’s also the CEO of Hilton Head Island MLS (HHIMLS), an independent MLS with more than 1,600 members and affiliates that has been active in South Carolina since 1976. HHIMLS manages more than 20 real estate data services for its members, facilitating north of $3 billion in annual transactions.

In this video interview, Stevenson urges other MLSs to become active with RESO.

“MLSs need to participate as much as they possibly can. Allow the data to be used,” she says. She notes that in talking with other MLSs who haven’t joined RESO, she has heard the response that RESO doesn’t have all the fields that they want, so it’s not enough for them to participate yet.

“I’m not of that philosophy,” she says emphatically. “There’s 1,265 fields, and if that’s not enough for you to participate, then I don’t know how to convince you to participate, but it seems that that is sufficient at this point.”

The other common rationale she hears from other MLSs that have yet to adopt RESO standards is that they are too unique to join a standards organization.

“Every MLS believes they’re unique, but if the truth be known, we are more alike than we are unique,” says Stevenson.

Stevenson thinks of leadership in MLS data standards by way of a popular slogan: “If you ain’t the lead dog, the scenery never changes.”

On becoming involved in RESO, Stevenson says, “Throw your hat in, and let’s just move forward.”

Mark Your Calendar: RESO Spring Tech Summit – April 20-23, 2020

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