Paul Stusiak, President and Owner of Falcon Technologies Corporation, has been involved with RESO for 15 years. With more than 20 years of IT experience, he currently co-chairs RESO’s Transport Workgroup.
In this video, Stusiak summarizes the main goal of the RESO Web API and the work of the RESO Transport Workgroup as “helping people get data from ‘point A’ to ‘point B’ in a standard way so a new entry into the market can do this easily and successfully.”
Acknowledging that the workgroup is RESO’s most technical in nature, Stusiak emphasizes that prospective members should not to be intimidated and that newcomers are welcome. “It’s important to have a voice at the table,” says Stusiak, emphasizing the critical functions of a standardized Web API.
Although the Transport Workgroup is predominantly comprised of server-side technology professionals, Stusiak invites client-side implementers and builders of websites, apps and other agent real estate technology to join. He notes that this will give the workgroup a “better understanding of what they are doing with their agents and make sure that we incorporate that into the standards so that it can be built properly.”