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Michael Wurzer arguably may be the real estate industry’s most passionate and prolific advocate for industry standards. Wurzer serves as President of FBS, creators of Flexmls and Spark platform, as well as the current Vice-Chair of the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO).


He is a master at explaining the value of standards and the incredible impact they are having and will continue to have on the real estate industry. In this video interview, he dives into how RESO standards are helping MLSs make the market work.

“Standards can only make an MLS more valuable,” says Wurzer. “Because what an MLS’s chief function is creating that market – making the market work. Creating the cooperation among the brokers, and the standards are an ultimate expression of that cooperation,” he explains.

Wurzer discusses how standards do not limit an MLS from having local fields, but actually enable MLSs, and that “makes their service that much more valuable to their brokers and agents.” He also notes that the value of the MLSs is in bringing agents and brokers together to make a market, saying “and that’s not going to change at all from implementing standards, it will only be enhanced.”

Wurzer also covers how standards will fuel more product innovation, allow MLSs of all sizes to have more product choices in the future, and how important data – like contacts – should flow “freely and easily between all the software the MLS brings to the market for their customers to choose.”

Finally, Wurzer explains why he sees RESO’s “shining moment” coming in the next five years as industry participation is rapidly increasing, and momentum is building.


Don’t Miss the Early Bird Discount for Boise

Don’t miss the early bird registration discount for the RESO Spring Technology Summit in Boise. The latest event information, special hotel rates for attendees, and early bird registration discount information are here.http://

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