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For 16 years, David Gumpper helped Florida-based Michael Saunders & Company become one of the nation’s most tech-centric real estate brokerages. He transformed its business with strategic and innovative technology business initiatives. He directed all aspects of systems integration, training of staff and sales team, project management, and software development.

Today, Gumpper, who now heads the Technology Consulting division at WAV Group, leads one of RESO‘s newest efforts for member collaboration: the Broker Advisory Group. In this video, Gumpper discusses the emergence of the Broker Advisory Group as an aggressive effort to provide more ways for brokerage leadership to become more involved in RESO.

Gumpper, who is a past member of the RESO Board of Directors, saw the formation of the Broker Advisory Group as a way to directly show the value proposition that RESO offers broker-owners and franchise executives. That value proposition, Gumpper emphasizes, must show brokers “how it translates to their agents, and then, the most important piece, how does that translate to their consumers.”

Long-term success for the Broker Advisory Group requires more brokers to become members, Gumpper said, adding, “I want to get new voices, new people, new ideas.” Gumpper explains that brokers will benefit by learning about RESO, at a high level, including its goals and objectives.

More importantly, the Broker Advisory Group provides brokers a forum to share the practical business challenges they face with RESO leadership, and ensure that RESO is thinking about ways to solve them. He also wants to clarify a myth about RESO for brokers. “Everybody thinks RESO’s all about property data,” Gumpper said emphasizing that it is so much more than that. “This is about agent data, roster data, organization data, internet tracking data across the board and we need broker participation.”

Show Me the Discount: Get the Early Bird Rate for Fall Conference

Don’t miss the early bird registration discount for the RESO Fall Conference in St. Louis. The early bird registration discount and link for special hotel rates for attendees is here.

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