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May I See Your ID?

RESO’s Identifier Products Prepped to Make a Splash (Part 1 of 3, UPI) Providing identification is a basic aspect of moving about in the world, and we all have several pieces of important ID to manage. In the real estate world alone, there are a series of identifiers...

12 Reasons to Attend the RESO Spring Conference in Tucson, Arizona

The number 12 has made its mark on society: 12 months, 12 numbers on a clock face, 12 jury members, 12 phone keys and 12 days of Christmas. The 12-inch LP has made a comeback, the 12-bar blues is a delectable chord progression and Hercules carried out 12 labors. The...

Working with Real Estate Data Course Updated for 2022

A curriculum that started two years ago in an airport lounge in Tucson, Arizona, was released just last year. It has blossomed into a cornerstone of real estate technology education with approximately 300 students already having enrolled in or completed the course....

T-RETS Extinction Countdown: The Comet Cometh for Dinosaur MLS Tech

 – For the most updated statistics on RESO Web API conversion, please visit The RETS Extinction Countdown – The real estate industry has long talked about transitioning forward from a 20-year-old data transport method. RETS (Real Estate Transaction...

Selling Part of a Property

RESO Data Dictionary Workgroup Chair, Rob Larson, has written a post on his Larson Consulting LLC blog about the concept of home co-ownership. The business model of facilitating the sale of a portion of a home to share with other purchasers as an alternative to...
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