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RESO Leadership Named RISMedia 2019 Newsmakers

  By Richard Renton, RESO Treasurer   Five members of the Real Estate Standards Organization were recently named RISMedia 2019 Newsmakers. RESO CEO Jeremy Crawford, Board Chair Art Carter, Board Directors Paul Boomsma and Alon Chaver, and Web API Workgroup...

New “Open Standards” White Paper from RESO

      What if you could tap a button – like you do to pair a Bluetooth device – and all your MLS data would instantly populate in each of your applications? That’s what open standards in real estate are all about. During our RESO Fall...

Brokers Say ‘No’ to Setup Fees

By David Gumpper Original Post: –     If you missed the Real Estate Standards Organization ( 2018 Fall Conference in Milwaukee, you should plan on attending the 2019 Spring...

Why Open Standards Matter for Home Energy Efficiency

September 26, 2018 – Guest Blog from hpmxl By: Julie Caracino, Home Performance Coalition   This is the first of a new monthly series that will showcase the benefits of HPXML in scaling the home energy efficiency industry by organizations that use the data...
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