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From RuleSpeak to Real Estate Business Rules (REBR) — A Case Study

  By: Amod Singhal, Business Systems Analyst I Business Rules Journal Vol. 19, No. 9, (Sep. 2018)    Summary: The Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) needed a standardized way to communicate business rules used by various MLSs to validate data input...

The Home Energy Information Accelerator (HEIA) Toolkit has launched!

    Partners in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Home Energy Information Accelerator (HEIA) are working to make reliable home energy information available in the real estate market place. The end goal is energyrelated data becoming easily available to home...

Why MLS CEOs Need to Attend RESO Conferences

Colette Stevenson is the CEO of Hilton Head MLS in South Carolina, a 42-year-old independent MLS, where she oversees an operation that manages over 20 real estate data services provided to real estate agents and facilitates $3 billion in transactions annually. Hilton...

How RESO and Blockchain can make our industry more efficient

With Dave Conroy Dave Conroy recently moved to Meridio as Technical Lead. Meridio (formerly Pangea) is a platform that creates, manages, and allows the trading of fractional ownership shares in real estate assets for real estate investors.   Formerly R&D Lab...
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