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Real Estate Association APIs and Data Standards

  See original entry by Matt Cohen here.   Association management systems have traditionally been silos where most information about the member cannot easily be used to provide a custom per-member experience and solve other business problems. Also, many...

The Time Has Come to Talk About a National MLS

    See original article on Inman here. Bob Bemis of Realtors Property Resource (RPR) will take the Inman Connect stage to discuss on Wednesday, Aug. 9 With over 27 years of experience in the real estate industry, vice president of business development at...

RESO Rolls out RETS 1.9, Announces RETS Workgroup will “Sunset”

At the Spring Summit in Austin, Paul Stusiak, Falcon Technologies President and Chair of the RESO RETS (Real Estate Transaction Standard) Workgroup, summarized the latest improvements to RETS with the release of RETS 1.9. Many of the same updates for the RESO Web API...
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