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When the White House Calls

It’s pretty exciting when the White House contacts you. For the Real Estate Standards Organization, it was truly an historic moment: being invited as a participant in the first “White House Open Data Innovation Summit.” Imagine how I felt just a...

Fall Conference Recap

We had record-setting attendance at our RESO Fall Conference in Nashville in late October. We were proud to report membership of over 560 members, and a conference attendance increase of 32% from earlier this year. Two long-time RESO members and industry experts have...

RESO Workgroup is Developing New Standards for Internet Tracking

In addition to his position at CIO for MetroMLS, based in Milwaukee, Chris Lambrou heads up the RESO Internet Tracking Workgroup. It’s one of the most exciting new standards initiatives underway at RESO. If participation is any indication of how important to the...
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