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Real Estate Startups and the RESO “Seal of Approval”

Krishna Malyala heads up one of the hottest startups in the real estate space dealing with big data. Featured at Inman Connect as one of the “New Kids on the Block”, and selected to the Esri Startup Program, his firm, TLCengine, sees RESO Certification as...

Quarterbacking the Adoption of the RESO Data Dictionary

He’s at the helm of what has been hailed as real estate’s “Rosetta Stone.” Rob Larson, the Chief Information Officer of the nation’s largest Multiple Listing Service, CRMLS, chairs the RESO Data Dictionary Workgroup. The Workgroup is...

RESO Fall PlugFest

If you’re a Geek, you most likely know what a “PlugFest” is. If you’re not a Geek, when you first heard the term, it may have sounded a bit strange. That’s okay because the audience for our upcoming RESO PlugFest, held the first day of our Fall Conference in Austin...
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