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Registration is filling fast for a finite number of seats at the RESO 2024 Spring Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, April 16–18, with an opening night reception on April 15.

Don’t delay your registration, as prices will increase next month. We are still accepting speaker requests until February 29 for innovative presentations to fill out our standards-based, tech-focused agenda. | VISIT THE EVENT SITE

The Ditty
To coax you along, we have put together several sound reasons to join us. But here is a short jingle of the themes we touch upon in our spring song:

  • Your passion for standards fuels RESO’s industry clout.
  • Your participation is desired and necessary for tech advancement.
  • You will meet industry leaders in an intimate setting.
  • Your calendar will not have a more affordable work trip for this much bang.
  • You will be taken care of by us, our sponsors and the venue for meals, drinks, receptions and more.

Fanfare! RESO has become an indispensable industry benchmark, boasting a membership of hundreds of MLSs, associations, technology companies and brokers. Beyond creating and using industry standards, RESO provides technical insights for how to drive proptech businesses forward and has become a respected voice on the international stage. We’re kind of a big deal, and “we” means all of us. This is our chance to compare notes in person.

Ring-a-Ring-Ring (Goes the Little Bell Held by a White Glove) – While RESO is the quintessential membership of the people, by the people, for the people to make meaningful change and progress in our industry, our conferences are exclusive. This is not a conference where you see longtime colleagues once for 30 seconds while passing through a hallway between meetings. We purposefully keep attendance focused so top-tier decision makers and brave new product makers have the time and space to meet each other.

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Rustle, Rustle Do you hear that? The shift is on. Major League Baseball may have officially banned the infield shift in 2023, but market, organizational, technology and even a RESO conference shift are well underway. We strive to offer top-notch content in a comfortable schedule, and we also listen to attendee feedback. We are shifting things around in 2024 in order to make all the right plays. Come and see what’s new.

Tap, Tap, Tap (Is This Thing On?) – Our workgroup meetings are, in fact, working meetings. We want and expect audience participation about the issues that affect your daily business lives. And, let’s face it, your “home” lives, too. Some meetings speak boardroom and bottom line, while others speak GitHub and JSON. All meetings and sessions educate and empower real estate professionals to work smarter. Be part of the conversation.

Get on the mic, get-get on the mic
Just get on the mic, get on the mic, Mike!

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Stamp! (of Approval for Attendance) – You will not find a better deal among real estate events. RESO conferences are roughly half the admission price of other similar events without skimping on care and amenities. Our wonderful sponsors help us make it happen, and we are practiced logistics champions ready to serve you. Enjoy the value.

Vroom! Enjoy an evening reception at Barber Motorsports Museum sponsored by First Multiple Listing Service (FMLS). The museum holds the largest private collection of motorcycles in the world, among other goodies. Apologies to thrill seekers, but shuttles to and from the venue will be of a four-wheeled and enclosed variety.

Thwack! Judging by the response to past RESO conference venues, attendees can appreciate a fabulous golf course. If you want to go big, Ross Bridge is the fifth-longest course in the world. If golf isn’t your swing, the 259-room Renaissance Birmingham Ross Bridge Golf Resort & Spa provides plenty of allure without the clubs and spiked shoes.

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Ahhhhh… Spa is in the venue name. We try to pamper our attendees after many meaningful hours of filling your brains. Enjoy the onsite restaurant and lounge, indulge in one of two pools and get the blood pumping in the 24-hour fitness center. Whatever fills your chakra, we have you covered. You will leave the RESO 2024 Spring Conference more learned and refreshed at the same time.

Applause! We’ll see you there.