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by Marilyn Wilson

The dedicated staff at the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) and thousands of volunteers from companies across the globe have labored away at the arduous task of creating consistent data standards to be used by all MLSs, technology companies and brokerages. They have set the stage for a ton more efficiency and innovation in our industry. The RESO Data Dictionary is now available through nearly 550 MLSs across the country serving nearly 1.2 million REALTORS®.

RESO’s hard work and success at creating a consistent method for transmitting and displaying real estate information is designed to help brokers be able to expand into markets more easily and to help technology companies move quickly to add new features that will help brokers differentiate themselves and provide more value to real estate consumers while reducing the complexities of support at the local MLS level.

The RESO organization has done such a good job of creating awareness and adoption of its real estate data standards and formalizing official certification programs for all RESO standards that it has attracted many other standards organizations. RESO is expanding its leadership role to ensure all aspects of real estate are covered by one cohesive collection of data standards. Today, RESO partners with a myriad of real estate standards organizations creating an umbrella of standards that will help the real estate industry thrive.

RESO enjoys an impressive list of partnerships with the Department of Energy, National Multi-Family Housing Council and their Multifamily Information and Transactions Standards (MITS), the mortgage industry with the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization,(MISMO) and the building industry with the Building and Land Development Standards (BLDS). These collaborations make it easier for brokers to participate in multifamily sales, green home sales, mortgage transactions and new home sales. In addition, RESO is a member within OASIS, ensuring that the real estate industry leverages global technology standards that complement the needs of the real estate industry.

“RESO has worked long and hard to lead the way when it comes to real estate standards in our industry, and we are thrilled to have become the de facto leader of real estate standards in our industry,” said Art Carter, CEO of the California Regional MLS and Chairman of the RESO Board. “The partnerships we have created with other standards organizations extend our reach and help us achieve our vision of a more efficient and profitable real estate industry while bringing together this myriad of real estate-related standards.”

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