RESO Monthly, April 2024: Pack Your Bags for Birmingham, RESO Reaches Africa and More!
April 2, 2024
RESO 2024 Spring Conference – Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty!
If you still want to attend the 2024 RESO Spring Conference, April 15–18 in Birmingham, Alabama, delay time is over. | LET’S GO!
It’s crunch time, and we want you there. If you need any help with your registration, please reach out to
The block of rooms available to us at Birmingham Ross Bridge Golf Resort & Spa are full. If you still need to set up hotel accommodations, check our website for nearby overflow options. | HOTEL OPTIONS is a local and national home search portal based in Greenwood Village, Colorado, which provides agent contacts and a searchable set of homes by address, MLS ID or school district.
SourceRE SourceRE, a subsidiary of, is an MLS database provider that focuses on database/APIs and not front-end software, allowing MLSs to plug any front-end provider, software or technology into their ecosystem.
Welcome to RESO!
Africa Real Estate Conference and Expo (ARCE) RESO will be in Accra, Ghana, April 3–5, to turn ideas into action in fintech, proptech and sustainability. New MLSs in Africa, called Loops, are taking shape.
We will be introducing our preeminent data standards to real estate professionals, investors, entrepreneurs, technology providers and policymakers in a dynamic exploration of transformative solutions for the African real estate landscape.
International MLS Forum 2024: Milan, Italy We are thrilled to announce the highly anticipated 2nd International MLS Forum, set to take place in the beautiful city of Milan, Italy, October 8–9, 2024. Following the resounding success of the inaugural event, this year’s forum promises to be even more enriching and enlightening for real estate professionals from around the globe.
International MLS Forum 2023: Paris, France As part of our ongoing effort to bring RESO to international markets, we continue to highlight sessions from the 2023 International MLS Forum.
Bill Fowler of SourceRE moderated a panel called “Technologies and Trends Powering MLSs” that included Emily Chenevert of Unlock MLS, Jeremy Crawford of First Multiple Listing Service (FMLS), Mathew Kallumadil of Stellar MLS and David Charron, formerly of Bright MLS. | WATCH VIDEO (39:27)
Industry News
There are some significant potential changes coming to the industry based on current legal matters. RESO is engaging with the primary stakeholders in those efforts to ensure that we can continue to support their businesses fully.
Our organization’s mission is to serve every participant in real estate transactions. As such, we are taking a pragmatic approach, proactively seeking information and researching our current capabilities to be prepared for any changes that our members might need from us.
On the RESO Blog
Getting Rental Listings Into MLSs Whether it is for affordability reasons or lifestyle choices, one in three U.S. citizens rents. That is a huge market that MLSs have mostly been missing…until now.
How the EntityEvent Resource Improves Data Replication Replication of listing and other types of data is common, even expected. While the burden is heavy for data consumers to coordinate timestamps across vendors, two recently ratified RESO standards provide ways to solve that.
What We Want: Proptech Companies and MLS Executives Share Thoughts Does the industry itself make it difficult for proptech startups to bring innovative tech to real estate pros and consumers? Scalability is daunting and there is a perceived aversion to change, which are red flags for young companies. We welcomed representatives from proptech companies and MLSs to discuss their experiences with each other.
RESO’s Working with Real Estate Data (wwRED) course brings real estate industry newcomers and veterans alike together on a journey of data flow through organized real estate.
Register by April 14, 2024, and be entered to win our RED-B Raffle to win a custom red RESO polo shirt and a $150 Amazon gift card. | LEARN MORE
We would like to welcome our two newest RED-B Ambassadors, Triangle MLS and Zillow.
Also, we are up to 800 RED-B designees! Here is who completed the course during Q1 2024:
Three Questions
The Three Questions interview series introduces you to real estate professionals with a hint of personality and humor. | VISIT THREE QUESTIONS
Universal Property Identifier (UPI) Workgroup | February 29, 2024 The group had a lengthy conversation about the URN-based UPI 2.0 proposal, the universality of the UPI and what specifically the UPI tracks, namely individual parcels as opposed to properties. The core model and formula for creating UPIs was designed to be used internationally, and this was discussed in detail. If necessary, the UPI can be tweaked on an implementation-level without altering the formula. | NOTES
Research & Development Workgroup | March 7, 2024 The meeting included a review of the MLS Data Process/Display Rules Template and the MLS Data Access Processes Form, which illustrates the template’s proposed fields. The group discussed the feasibility, usefulness and necessity of these items. A finalizing vote is planned for the next meeting before sharing the proposal with the Council of Multiple Listing Services (CMLS). | NOTES
Interoperability Workgroup | March 12, 2024 The meeting covered the plan for collecting user stories, including an action item to codify and vote on the user story template at the RESO 2024 Spring Conference. The group was informed that the tagging worksheet for PayloadSamples is open for comment. Subject matter experts may now suggest either Offer Management (OM) or Association Management System (AMS) payloads for individual fields. | NOTES
Building Subgroup | March 13, 2024 The meeting included further review of the Potential Building Resource Fields Review sheet, and the group discussed condensing the proposal by omitting certain Boolean (Yes/No) fields whose information may also be conveyed through a lookup option. The group viewed a list of potential fields that have two or more votes for inclusion in the Building Resource but only one implementation in the submitted metadata. The scope of the Building Resource was reiterated, which is that it is designed to contain data elements strictly at a building level, not for individual units within a building. The group recommended that usage metrics for the fields should be added, with a focus on the fields without two implementations. | NOTES
Fast Track Subgroup | March 19, 2024 Mapping suggestions on the [Fast Track 2023-12-19] Suggested Mappings sheet were reviewed, and votes were passed to approve the mapping suggestions for the Utilities, ParkingFeatures and ExteriorFeatures fields. The group established several recommendations for the Data Dictionary Workgroup, including adding body of water-type lookups to the WaterSource field, reviewing the definitions of Private and Public under WaterSource and other applicable fields, and to consider the addition of Spa/Hot Tub lookups under ExteriorFeatures. | NOTES
Internet Tracking Workgroup | March 20, 2024 The group reviewed the work done in 2023, including the items that were voted in for Data Dictionary 2.0 and items that will be included in Data Dictionary 2.1. The group discussed Event Streams and how they may be used to calculate Days on Market (DOM), and there was a demonstration about showing events within a showing product. Additionally, the group touched on human vs. bot Internet traffic and U.S. state privacy legislation. | NOTES
Data Dictionary Workgroup | March 21, 2024 The meeting included several votes that passed; the addition of Indoor Arena and Outdoor Arena to the HorseAmenities field, the revised Standard Status Definitions and the direction to create a proposal for a standalone WaterHeater field. A second part of the HorseAmenities request, deprecating the Arena lookup, was separated and failed to pass. Two other requests, changing the FrontageLength field from Number to String data type and for a BackOnMarketTimestamp field were presented and will be brought back at a later meeting. | NOTES
Upcoming RESO Workgroup Meetings
If you want to participate in any of the following recurring workgroup or subgroup meetings, it’s never been easier to do so. | JOIN A RESO WORKGROUP
Thursday, April 4: Research & Development Workgroup Tuesday, April 9: Building Subgroup
RESO 2024 Spring Conference Attendance Required for April 16–18 Meetings
Wednesday, April 16: Interoperability Workgroup
Wednesday, April 16: Research & Development Workgroup
Wednesday, April 17: Broker Advisory Workgroup
Wednesday, April 17: Data Dictionary Workgroup
Wednesday, April 17: Universal Property Identifier (UPI) Workgroup
Thursday, April 18: Transport Workgroup
Thursday, May 7: Research & Development Workgroup
Certification Update
Congratulations to the following organization for achieving its Data Dictionary 1.7 and/or Web API Core 2.0.0 endorsements. Results are viewable in RESO Analytics.
Questions about RESO certification should be directed to your MLS vendor. Questions about self-testing or the technical aspects of certification may be directed to
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