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Certification Update

RESO Certification is back in full swing for Data Dictionary 1.7 and Web API Core 2.0.0 endorsements, and we would like to congratulate the following MLSs for being among the first out of the gate:

  • Amelia Island – Nassau County Association of REALTORS®
  • Bagnell Dam Association of REALTORS®
  • Big Bear Association of REALTORS®
  • Big Sky Country MLS
  • Bright MLS
  • Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®
  • Cedar Rapids Area Association of REALTORS®
  • Central Jersey MLS
  • Contra Costa Association of REALTORS®
  • East Alabama Board of REALTORS®
  • Greater Baton Rouge Association of REALTORS®
  • Houston Association of REALTORS®
  • Intermountain MLS
  • Lake of the Ozarks Board of REALTORS® (Data Dictionary only)
  • Longleaf Pine REALTORS® (Data Dictionary only)
  • Martha’s Vineyard MLS
  • Martin County REALTORS® of the Treasure Coast
  • MLS Property Information Network (MLS PIN)
  • MLSListings (Web API only)
  • New Mexico MLS
  • North Florida MLS
  • Northeast Georgia Board of REALTORS®
  • Northeast Louisiana Association of REALTORS®
  • Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS)
  • OneKey MLS
  • REALTOR® Association of Acadiana
  • REALTORS® Association of Citrus County
  • South Carolina Statewide Commercial MLS
  • State-Wide MLS
  • Summit MLS
  • Triangle MLS
  • Western New York Real Estate Information Services (WNYREIS)


RESO Logo Certified Horizontal Blue 1

A majority of MLSs around the country have passed testing but await final preparations by their MLS vendors to move from “Passed” status to “Certified.” The way things are progressing, it won’t be long before your MLS vendor gets in touch with you.

If you have any questions about your RESO certification, contact your MLS vendor. If you have questions about self-testing or the technical aspects of certification, contact

RESO Summer Camp

RESO Summer Camp Instagram Post 2 E1656695004643As RESO continues to provide education to the organized real estate world, please join us for two exciting opportunities to learn about RE data and standards this summer.

The Data Dictionary Orientation is a new opportunity to receive an overview of the Data Dictionary and a chance for Q&A outside of a workgroup meeting. The RESO Working with Real Estate Data course is a self-paced tool for those who work with real estate data in any form.

Data Dictionary Orientation
Wednesday, July 13, 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT (1 hour)
If the Data Dictionary remains a mystery, making you feel like you can’t contribute at workgroup meetings, this is your camp. We will return to the basics of its functions and engage new participants for this important RESO endeavor. You can send an email to to receive a calendar invite, or click here for the meeting info.

Working with Real Estate Data (WWRED) – Business Module
Online Course / Take at Your Own Pace | LEARN MORE | REGISTER
WWRED provides understanding for how data flows through the industry. The Business Module covers the organizations, rules, processes and technology systems that create the real estate data ecosystem. Add the RED-B designation to your resume this summer! Sign up your whole team for this data primer; bulk rates available.

For more information, visit If you have any questions, please contact We look forward to seeing you soon!

2022 RESO Fall Conference

RESO Fall Sponsor Opp Cover Image E1660570886587The 2022 RESO Fall Conference in Florida will be held October 24–27. In-Person and Livestream Registrations are open. | REGISTER

Have a great story about technology standards making real estate business better? Does the industry need to hear it? Speaker/Presentation Requests for talks related to real estate data practices or standards are open. Both technical and business presentations are welcome for our tech-forward audience.

Event Agenda Overview

  • Monday, October 24: Evening Welcome Reception
  • Tuesday, October 25: Sessions, Meetings, Reception
  • Wednesday, October 26: Sessions, Meetings, Reception
  • Thursday, October 27: Morning-Only Meetings & Sessions

If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact

New Members

White Block E1654543656590July RM New Member Logos 2022 E1656695203155

Offr strives to create a faster, more transparent way to buy and sell properties. Their goal is to reduce the stress and uncertainty of buying and selling property by developing one platform for everyone. It is an end-to-end, open solution that supports agents, buyers, sellers and solicitors.

Offer1 automates the residential real estate offer process from initial creation to contract. It takes the current complex, error-prone and opaque real estate offer process and makes it simple, honest and transparent. Their platform automates the entire process for you to save time and make better deals.

Real Estate Marketing & Consulting (REMC)
REMC is a full-service, client-focused real estate company that develops and markets commercial and residential projects throughout Central and Eastern North Carolina.

We’re glad to welcome all of these new members to the RESO fold!

On the RESO Blog

Paul Present E1657112589705Driving Technology Faster Using the Data Dictionary
Field and lookup changes in the RESO Data Dictionary can create pain points for MLS vendors and customers. But during the 2022 RESO Spring Conference, Paul Hethmon, CTO of AMP Systems, explained how a complete embrace of the Data Dictionary has allowed them to build a system that can make changes in minutes, not months.

The solution is based on the new Field and Lookup resources for core metadata definitions. These enable highly flexible systems for MLSs. Read more about how Paul and his team found a way to drive their technology using the RESO Data Dictionary. | READ MORE

Caitlin PresentBroker Tech Spotlight Session: Caitlin McCrory of Anywhere (Formerly Realogy)
Anywhere’s brands require technology that works with their brokers. Where many MLSs and smaller brokers are able to focus on working within one MLS, Anywhere operates in more than 500 MLSs and must scale its operations nationally, demanding that their systems work seamlessly.

Complex information is being aggregated from many different technology systems, but agents need it to feel simple. With the RESO Data Dictionary as a key component to that outcome, getting that standardized data via the RESO Web API is critical.

Caitlin explains how Anywhere makes decisions about broker tech and where standards need to progress in order to streamline transactions further. | READ MORE

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RESO is often written about or invited to participate in industry events, and we highlight our involvement here.

FBS Summit
RESO’s CEO, Sam DeBord, spoke about the release of the new RESO Analytics platform, the T-RETS Extinction Countdown and the rise of the RESO Web API at the FBS Summit in St. Paul, Minnesota, June 14–16. He also fielded questions about certification and especially about how to help continue the advance of Web API usage in the industry. Director of Growth Management, Greg Sax, was also on hand to gather member feedback in a RESO roundtable session.

Industry News

CMLS Legal Seminar
There has been an ongoing flurry of activity in our industry’s legal climate. Learn the latest at the CMLS Legal Seminar on July 21, where you will hear from legal experts and learn more about current real estate litigation.

Date: Thursday, July 21, 2022
Time: 12:30 pm – 5:00 pm ET / 9:30 am – 2:00 pm PT
Member-Only Tickets: $249/person | REGISTER

Registration is Open for Leadership Week
The National Association of REALTORS® Leadership Week consists of educational, motivational and inspirational events for incoming 2023 leaders, highlighted by the flagship event, NAR’s Leadership Summit, and also including the first ever Leadership Summit Pitch Battle. | REGISTER

CMLS Award Nominations are Open
CMLS is welcoming nominations for the Shuttleworth MLS Executive of the Year and CMLS Hall of Fame. Both recipients will be announced this September during CMLS2022 in Indianapolis, Indiana, September 28–30. Nominations must be received for both awards by Tuesday, July 28.

Shuttleworth MLS Executive of the Year: This annual award recognizes MLS CEOs who have led their organization with excellence and contributed to the advancement of the MLS industry during the last 12 months. Past winners include David Charron, John Mosey, Art Carter, Merri Jo Cowen, Chris Carrillo and Matt Consalvo.

Nominees must have been active members of CMLS since 2021 to be considered. | AWARD DESCRIPTION | NOMINATION FORM

CMLS Hall of Fame: This award recognizes CMLS members who have given a lifetime of guidance, energy and intellect to CMLS and the MLS industry. Past recipients include Kathy Condon, David Charron, Cathy Holefelder, Jack Johnson, Ann Bailey, Brian Larson, Pat Bybee, Jeannette Biddle and Peter Shuttleworth.

If you know of a fellow executive that will leave behind a legacy of service to our industry, CMLS would like you to nominate that person for the Hall of Fame lifetime achievement award. | AWARD DESCRIPTION | NOMINATION FORM

NAR Calls for Tech Startups to Apply for Pitch Battle Competition at iOi Summit
The National Association of REALTORS® is accepting applications for the “Pitch Battle” competition that will take place at the fourth annual Innovation, Opportunity & Investment (iOi) Summit on September 28 and 29, 2022 in Los Angeles.

The iOi Summit allows investors and innovators to cultivate and champion the most impactful ideas that will disrupt the status quo and advance the industry. NAR’s venture capital arm, Second Century Ventures, will present the Pitch Battle competition, offering an opportunity for real estate technology startups to showcase their innovations live on stage and through livestream to thousands of industry influencers.

Applications for the Pitch Battle will be accepted through Friday, July 29, 2022. READ MORE | REGISTER | PITCH BATTLE

Three Questions

Three Questions G.Sax GENERAL ImageThe Three Questions interview series introduces you to real estate professionals in a one-on-one interview with a touch of personality and sometimes humor. 

Here’s who has been interviewed since the last RESO Monthly:

Three Questions will be taking a few weeks off in July, because we already know that many of you are reading fiction books on the beach, if anything, during the heart of the summer months. Enjoy what you might have missed until we return. | VISIT THREE QUESTIONS

RESO Workgroup Meetings

Research & Development Workgroup | June 2, 2022
The workgroup expanded on some of the topics from the roundtable held at the RESO Spring 2022 Conference, including suggestions for RESO to help adoption of Web API, standardization of CRM tools and assistance with mapping data. Additionally, the next steps in the ULI project were discussed and the meeting concluded with a conversation about the Internet of Things and smart home devices involved in home sales. | CALL NOTES

ULI Subgroup | June 3, 2022
The group discussed the survey to be sent as a follow up from the RESO Spring 2022 Conference. Work will begin on the ULI matching service so it can be tested on pilot data. | CALL NOTES

Transport Workgroup | June 6, 2022
The group reviewed the change proposal (RCP) process and discussed the creation of the URN Subgroup, which can help standardize RESO’s domain into unique namespaces and represent unique identifiers such as the UPI, UOI and ULI. There was also a discussion of rate limiting, something which came up at the Pain Points session at the RESO Spring 2022 Conference, as well as logical timestamp logs for replication using the EntityEvent Resource and accompanying web hooks proposal for push notifications (RCP-027 and RCP-028). | CALL NOTES

Interoperability Workgroup | June 14, 2022
The meeting covered the initial stages of creating an Offer Management (OM) data shape to allow for standardized data sharing between OM providers and eventually Transaction Management (TM) providers. The group viewed the structure of the OM shape mapping sheet, discussed the base fields involved and viewed a section of the group’s industry map project to illustrate the roadblocks encountered with passing information between these products. | CALL NOTES

Internet Tracking Workgroup | June 15, 2022
The meeting included discussion about new data elements to be added to the Tracking Fields specification, along with several items that were voted on. Additionally, there was a privacy update regarding Wi-Fi probing done by retail stores in order to track customer whereabouts within the building. | CALL NOTES

Data Dictionary Workgroup | June 16, 2022
The meeting included a vote to approve the Showing Resources proposal from the Showing Subgroup. There was also discussion and feedback on a new field for additional parcel sales and handling members with multiple state licenses. Additionally, the group was informed about the Data Dictionary 2.0 Wiki release, was given an update on subgroup statuses and heard how certification data from the new RESO Analytics product will be used to refine the Data Dictionary. | CALL NOTES

Certification Subgroup | June 16, 2022
The group continued work on the Web API Core 2.1.0 and Payloads 2.0 testing rules, which will be posted for review with their specifications. The group also discussed the 2022 RESO product roadmap, which consists of completing the automated certification UI so providers can test themselves, Web API Core 2.1.0, Payloads 2.0 and Data Dictionary 2.0, with early releases of the Commander testing tool so that providers may start testing their systems as soon as possible and preparing for the changes. | CALL NOTES

Universal Property Identifier (UPI) Workgroup | June 22, 2022
The meeting covered the adoption of the UPI in both the U.S. and Canadian markets. Guests from Black Knight relayed their experience with implementing and expanding the service. There was also an update on the Showing Hub collaboration, which uses the UPI Registry to consolidate showing services across platforms and markets. | CALL NOTES

Certification Analytics Focus Group | June 22, 2022
The group continued work on its mission statement, and Eric Stegemann was named the group’s vice-chair. There was a presentation about current reports and metrics available and a discussion of alignment tools for consumers, providers and markets. The next meeting will be in Q3 2022. | CALL NOTES

Broker Advisory Workgroup | June 23, 2022
The meeting focused on broker recruitment and engagement. Several items were presented for discussion, as was a working Broker Recruitment document. Other items discussed included possible edits to the group’s charter, RESO attending more broker events, the inclusion of a roundtable discussion for brokers at the next RESO conference and doing business in multiple MLSs. | CALL NOTES

Distributed Ledger Workgroup | June 28, 2022
The meeting covered the Certified Listing Identifier (CLI) business case and how the group should proceed in recommending it to the Research & Development Workgroup. The discussion included the benefits of the CLI, strategies to implement it and the further research that will be done to facilitate the creation of a well-vetted standard. | CALL NOTES

Standard Days in MLS | June 30, 2022
The group discussed Days in MLS (DIM), how it differs from Days on Market (DOM) and the events used to arrive at those calculations. There were no DIM implementations among the group, which led to a vote to refer the DIM topic to the R&D Workgroup for additional research. | CALL NOTES

Upcoming RESO Meetings

  • Wednesday: July 13: Data Dictionary Orientation
  • Wednesday, July 20: Internet Tracking Workgroup
  • Thursday, July 21: Data Dictionary Workgroup
  • Thursday, July 21: Certification Subgroup (from Transport)
  • Monday, July 25: Appraisal Subgroup (from Data Dictionary)
  • Tuesday, July 26: Distributed Ledger Workgroup
  • Tuesday, July 26: Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Subgroup (from Data Dictionary)
  • Tuesday, July 26: New Construction Subgroup (from Data Dictionary)
  • Wednesday, July 27: UPI Workgroup
  • Monday, August 1: Transport Workgroup
  • Thursday, August 4: Research & Development Workgroup
  • Friday, August 5: Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) Subgroup (from Research & Development)



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