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Collaboration GraphicThis week, we highlight four new members, share the decision that was made about “master” terminology, announce a new Tax Subgroup, ask for you to say “cheese” in your RESO member profile and, as always, share the latest activities in RESO’s workgroups and subgroups, which now stand strong at 14 thriving groups with more on the way.

Thanks again for staying connected with us. We hope you have a great rest of your week!


New Members

Databilder      Homeinfosystems Logo        Housenethub Logo       I 9 Technologies Logo

We would like to welcome DataBilder, Home Info Systems, House Net Hub, and I-9 Technologies to the RESO family. Welcome aboard! We look forward to seeing more of you.


From the RESO Blog

Master Bedroom

RESO Using “Primary” Instead of “Master” in Real Estate Display Names
In recent months, RESO engaged in significant discussions throughout the real estate industry regarding terms used in our technology systems like “master bedroom” and “master bathroom.”

Concerns about potentially derogatory connotations have caused some groups to push to change the “master” terms. While use of this terminology by real estate professionals has been reviewed and cleared of discriminatory violations by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, consumer and professional concerns have remained, prompting some marketplaces to use alternatives. | READ MORE


New RESO Tax Subgroup Formed

Tax On TeaFormed from within the Data Dictionary Workgroup with freshly minted Data Dictionary Vice Chair, Kevin Tranby, in the driver’s seat, this subgroup is ready to set off on a gallant adventure into the Data Dictionary’s Property resource. Anthony Percaccio from Canada’s MPAC has discovered some pretty good alignment and showed interest in expanding on the tax piece. Combined with our aggregators and other consumers of tax data, a solid subgroup has been formed to work on expanding the tax footprint in the dictionary. | LEARN MORE

The first Tax Subgroup will meet this Wednesday, July 29 at 3:00 pm ET / 12:00 pm PT. | VIEW AGENDA


Collaborate Completely With RESO

Confluence Graphic

Confluence: Not Just the Junction of Two Rivers by G. Sax
Maybe you’re a regular within RESO’s collaborative workspace known as Confluence, or maybe this is the first you’re learning that there is a whole world underneath your membership where YOU can be a direct part of the solutions being solved for the real estate industry. We will always share the happenings of our workgroups within this weekly update, in posted monthly meeting “Call Notes” and on our public-facing website,, but the best details about each workgroups efforts are happening in Confluence. From an active discussions forums that determines what will be worked on in the Data Dictionary Workgroup to the business cases that are submitted to the Research & Development Workgroup to the incredible progress being made on a weekly basis in the Transport Workgroup’s Certification Subgroup, you can see behind the scenes of YOUR organization. In addition, you can find a full calendar of all RESO meetings, specifications for past Data Dictionary and Web API standards, past conference presentations, and other members. Which brings us to…

Glam Shot 1Share Your Head Shots!
RESO is a better organization when we open and transparent, which is why it would be wonderful if more of you included an image with your profile. Much like the gray silhouette of Facebook or LinkedIn or the famed Twitter egg, it’s much less enjoyable to interact with someone you can’t see. So please consider adding a photo or updating the one you created five years ago. Cameras have gotten soooo much better.

How: After logging in, select your profile in the upper right corner at Then select Picture on the left side of the screen. Upload a new image here and size as you see fit.

Confluence Profile  Confluence Profile 2

In future RESO Weekly Activity posts, we’ll delve into other aspects of your profile to help you get the most out of your membership.


RESO Committees and Workgroups

Note: Most links to workgroup information require member login to RESO’s online collaboration environment, Confluence.

Workgroup Weekly Activity Graphic

Payloads Workgroup Meeting | July 23, 2020

Meeting Summary: The group spent the full meeting discussing two items: 1) the possibility of an “Appraisal Payload” spearheaded by Freddie Mac and 2) what would be the minimum MUST items for a “Fixed IDX Payload.” Both subjects are rich in detail and discussion, and the meeting provided a good step in the right direction for both topics. | CALL NOTES

Action Items

  • Josh Darnell has made some field rankings based on past input and will try to have something put together before the next meeting.
  • We will try to get someone from Freddie Mac or one of the appraisal groups on a future call.
  • Rick Trevino will tag the sets in the Combined DMG and TRIBUS IDX Payload Responses worksheet that he’s aware of.
  • Share Sam DeBord’s “IDX Payloads Rules 2020” document with the workgroup when it is further along.
Certification Subgroup Meeting | July 23, 2020

Meeting Summary: The workgroup discussed Standard Relationships, which have been proposed to support Expandability in the Web API as well as provide a normative data shape for DD-compliant JSON Payloads. Location-based metadata was the next topic, which presents a solution for vendors with large metadata or those needing location-based option lists in their search or input forms. | CALL NOTES

Action Items

  • Determine whether navigation property paths need to be supported when using Expand.
  • Look over the Data Dictionary 1.7 spreadsheet for location-based fields.
Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) Subgroup Meeting | July 24, 2020

Meeting Summary: The group had one of the more spirited conversations of the year so far, as new stakeholders were invited into the mix, bringing new questions and ideas along with them. The main crux of the conversation revolved around the merits and consequences of centralized and decentralized models. | CALL NOTES

Action Items

  • Unpack the discussion from this meeting, attempting to answer the many open questions along the way.
  • Become familiar with the business case; make suggestions for edits based on meeting discussion and project progress.
  • Begin the process of defining the policy and the protocol.
  • Engage others for building the current data pilot.


Workgroup Meetings This Week

  • July 28: Distributed Ledger
  • July 29: Tax (Subgroup of Data Dictionary)

Online Meetings Laptop Graphic

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