This week (and really for the next few months) we highlight the fact that the next RESO conference will again be virtual. But one thing that’s not virtual: swag! If you received a treat in the mail, we would love to see you share it on social media. We’ll be highlighting some of your submissions as we get closer to the event.
We’re also giving a shout-out this week to the Research & Development Workgroup, who are actively calling for new business cases to mull over and potentially turn into new standards. The New York Times consulted with RESO for an article they wrote about a popular issue this summer.
Finally, our good friends at W&R Studios and MLS Aligned positively discussed RESO standards in the midst of an interesting conversation about collaboration, a subject we can never get enough of. Speaking of collaboration, we close out this post, as usual, with workgroup highlights from last week.
Cheers to warm August nights, fresh air and no bee stings.
This Fall We’re Going Virtual AGAIN! Join Us For RESO Remote Encore: The Standards Collection
RESO Remote Encore: The Standards Collection We’re going with a musical theme this year, inspired by a desire to return to communal experiences as soon as possible and by “the standards” – some older, some newer – that critics and fans can agree upon. Watch this space for more RESO twists as we gear up for the fall conference. #RockYourRESO
The First Round of Swag Has Entered the Wild! Although we will miss seeing you all in person, we will be packing in many community experiences and personal touches to keep the mood light while keeping the productivity heavy. The first round of swag is in, but it won’t stop here. You’ll still be getting a conference-specific package as we approachRESO Remote Encore, October 27–29, 2020. #RESOremote
Call for Presentations
We are looking for industry experts with terrific topics who are excellent presenters from MLSs, real estate brokerages, real estate technology partners and other technology firms, as well as start-ups that intersect with real estate data.
If you have industry knowledge of data standards and/or the real estate industry, we are also looking for moderators who are skilled at facilitating engaging discussion. Interested? Visit our Speaker Presentation Request page for details, and make your submission today!
All original album artwork is the property of the rights holders, and derivative artwork created from the source material is used reverentially for entertainment purposes by the Real Estate Standards Organization, a not-for-profit trade organization. Images used are not endorsed by the artists, nor do the artists represent any connection with RESO.
Research & Development Workgroup Actively Looking for New Business Cases
Is it possible to be too efficient? The Research & Development Workgroup has worked through an extensive list of business cases and is either waiting for more feedback from other workgroups or is busily moving the Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) forward in a separate subgroup (that you should also consider being a part of).
Please think about your monthly/weekly/daily pain points in working with real estate data and consider sending along a case for the workgroup to explore. No idea is too big or too small, but it should have some meat to it, meaning that the more of the roughly two-page form you fill out, the more likely it is to end up on the R&D agenda. |VIEW BUSINESS CASE FORM|VIEW BUSINESS CASE PAGE
The Biggest Bedroom Is No Longer a ‘Master’
The New York TimesTakes Up the Topic
RESO CEO Sam DeBord spoke to Sydney Franklin of the New York Times ahead of their story on the “master” topic. |VIEW ARTICLE
The decision on what to do with master bedroom/bathroom was made last month in the Data Dictionary Workgroup. No matter where you personally land on the topic,RESO remains committedto the greater real estate community and is prepared to enforce standards as determined by our members. We look forward tocontinuing a measured conversationaround this and many other topics in our workgroups.
Listing Bits – A Next-Level MLS Collaboration
For his Listing Bits podcast, Greg Robertson of Cloud CMA recently sat with CEOs Matt Consalvo of ARMLS, Chris Carrillo of Metro MLS and Brad Bjelke of, who have, with other MLSs, formedMLS Aligned, a unique data partnership that goes beyond sharing data.
In their conversation, they spoke about the origin of the MLS Aligned idea, APIs, collaboration, their commitment to RESO standards, and their desire to provide additional data fields and features beyond the current standard. Ideas, APIs, standards and collaboration? Music to our ears. |LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
RESO Committees and Workgroups
Note: Most links to workgroup information require member login to RESO’s online collaboration environment, Confluence.
Research & Development Workgroup Meeting | August 6, 2020
Meeting Summary: The group reviewed Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) Subgroup activity, discussions revolving around standardizing the new MyDX requirement, the business case backlog and the renewed interest in a Notifications Resource for MLS system updates before moving on to a lengthier discussion about the purpose of the R&D Workgroup and how the group is at a point where it’s ready to refill a queue of new business cases to review. | VIEW CALL NOTES
Action Items
Look through RESO Board of Directors strategic objectives for more ideas on where to located viable business cases.
Promote the fact that the R&D Workgroup is actively looking for new business cases.
Certification Subgroup Meeting | August 6, 2020
Meeting Summary:The group moved to recommend that Web API Core testing rules include support for any() and all() queries on collections of enumerations before voting to convert a limited number of geographically-sensitive fields to String data type rather than allowing any enumeration to be represented as a String, as approved in a previous meeting. Potential models for location-aware metadata were then discussed. | VIEW CALL NOTES
Action Items
Present voted-upon agenda items from this meeting to the Transport Workgroup.
Send the proposed changes to DD 1.7 testing rules for location-based enumerations to the Data Dictionary Workgroup for further review.
Create a Location-Aware Metadata item in Confluence for discussion.
Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) Subgroup Meeting | August 7, 2020
Meeting Summary: The group continued the conversation on the merits and consequences of centralized and decentralized models for the ULI. No decisions were made, but it is becoming clear that the current data pilot should begin to receive some technical attention soon, as we’ve defined our business case and critical success factors. Some of the critical success factors may change as we get closer to determining a technical path. | VIEW CALL NOTES
Action Items
Engage more MLSs and technology companies in the building of data pilot(s).
Determine what model to use for building a viable ULI.
Board Liaison Committee Meeting | August 7, 2020
Meeting Summary: This meeting is held once per month in order to give workgroup chairs an opportunity to converse about their top agenda items, request help from each other and provide summary reports to the RESO Board of Directors. Each report is provided as part of the meeting agenda and call notes. | VIEW CALL NOTES
Action Items
The Distributed Ledger Event Model worksheet will be shared with the Data Dictionary Workgroup.
Continue to track the progress of event models under discussion in various workgroups.
Workgroup Meetings This Week
August 11: Cross-Platform Interoperability
August 11: Transport
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