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FLYER RESO Remote Art 08.18.20 1 E1597755533704Promotion for the RESO Remote Encore: The Standards Collection event this fall will now kick into high gear because…registration is open! The first of two event-related swag sendings recently went out in the mail, and we asked you to share it on social media. 

We’ll round out the week’s RESO news with a nice message about standards from GeekEstateBlog, a call for participation from two of our nine workgroups, last week’s workgroup activity and the dates of the four meetings this week. Always check RESO’s Confluence for more information.


RESO Remote Encore: The Standards Collection, October 27–29, 2020

Registration is Open!

Reso Remote Registration Open E1597766524485Please note that if you are registering as a “non-member,” you will be prompted to create an account when you visit the event registration link. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact

If you were already registered for RESO Fall, we will move you to RESO Remote Encore. A credit will be applied to your account for the difference. That credit can be used to a) register more attendees from your organization or b) go toward your 2021 membership renewal.

Although we will miss seeing you all in person, we will be packing in many community experiences and personal touches to keep the mood light while keeping the productivity heavy. | REGISTER TODAY

What’s in a Conference Theme?

Record Palyer Records ColorFor us at RESO, having a theme to wrap our gatherings around helps give meaning to the proceedings – a sort of mini-mission statement that can also serve as a source for inspiration and enjoyment.

For our musical theme this year, we researched music from the last 70 years that might be considered “the standards” by different generations of music fans. Music is often a communal and collaborative experience, and community contribution is at the heart of what we achieve in the real estate industry.

Call for Presentations!

Reso Wants YouWe are looking for industry experts with terrific topics who are excellent presenters from MLSs, real estate brokerages, real estate technology partners and other technology firms, as well as start-ups that intersect with real estate data.

If you have industry knowledge of data standards and/or the real estate industry, we are also looking for moderators who are skilled at facilitating engaging discussion.

Interested? Visit our Speaker Presentation Request page for details, and make your submission today!



Share Your RESO Swag On Social From Our Recent Member Mailer!

Reso Socks Questionable Shoes 0?ui=2&ik=f64e56b05e&attid=0 Image

Snap pics and share by posting to #RESOstandards and #RockYourRESO.

Bonus: We’ll be sending more goodies out this fall for #RESOremote Encore!


Driving Data Standards

Geek Estate BlogGeekEstateBlog did a general post about RESO to its readers, and although the content may be old hat to those of us who live and breathe the standards, it is an extremely welcome addition to the web. We’ll take all the SEO we can muster in order to spread the wealth and knowledge of what we want to accomplish for the real estate industry. | VIEW POST


Broker Advisory Workgroup Looking for New Members

David Gumpper, Chair of the Broker Advisory Group, put out a call on LinkedIn for more participation in the group from real estate brokers. This kind of outreach is always appreciated, and we encourage it from all members, chairs and workgroup enthusiasts!

D.Gumpper LI Post





Research & Development Workgroup Actively Looking for New Business Cases!

Rd Business Case

Is it possible to be too efficient? The Research & Development Workgroup has worked through an extensive list of business cases and is either waiting for more feedback from other workgroups or is busily moving the Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) forward in a separate subgroup (that you should also consider being a part of).

Please think about your monthly/weekly/daily pain points in working with real estate data and consider sending along a case for the workgroup to explore. No idea is too big or too small, but it should have some meat to it, meaning that the more of the roughly two-page form you fill out, the more likely it is to end up on the R&D agenda. | VIEW BUSINESS CASE FORM | VIEW BUSINESS CASE PAGE


RESO Committees and Workgroups

Note: Most links to workgroup information require member login to RESO’s online collaboration environment, Confluence.

Workgroup Weekly Activity Graphic

Cross-Platform Interoperability Workgroup Meeting | August 11, 2020

Meeting Summary: The group continues to discuss data flow diagrams in the context of transaction management systems (TMS) and user stories, and this meeting was primarily focused on discussing theoretical (but common) user stories from the perspective of the buyer and seller. System flows will be layered on to the user stories next, followed by detailed use cases of MLS to TMS, MLS to MLS, TMS to TMS, etc. Interoperability’s role in creating a common RESO Standard Event Model was also discussed, and the topic will be explored more thoroughly in a forthcoming Confluence Discussions Forum. | CALL NOTES

Action Items

  • Add “Business Track” and “Technical Track” Common Event Model topics to the group’s Discussions Forum in Confluence.
  • Start creating an outline of the slide deck for the RESO fall conference.
Transport Workgroup Meeting | August 11, 2020

Meeting Summary: The workgroup discussed allowing Collections of Enumerations in Web API 1.0.2 Core and Data Dictionary 1.7, which includes adding queries in the Web API Core testing rules, and the resulting RESO Common Schema model was presented. The discussion then focused on location-based enumerations as a way to address large metadata as well as providing downstream consumers with the information needed to winnow interrelated enumerations in their search and input forms, something for which there is currently no mechanism for in the Web API. | CALL NOTES

Action Items

  • Publish Web API Core testing specification after approval by the Certification Subgroup.
  • Start draft proposal for a location-based metadata resource.
  • Revise RCP-009 so it may be incorporated into the Web API 1.0.2 Core Specification.
  • Discuss proposed changes for location-based enumerations with the Data Dictionary Workgroup for potential advancement.


Workgroup Meetings This Week

  • August 19: Internet Tracking
  • August 20: Data Dictionary
  • August 20: Certification or Common Schema (Subgroup of Transport)
  • August 21: Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) (Subgroup of Research & Development)

Online Meetings Laptop Graphic

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