RESO After Event GraphicRESO Remote Encore has safely parked in the garage. We have a few parting gifts to distribute, but then we’re ready to roll into the next phase of our constant push toward complete real estate data interoperability. Thank you for not only riding along but for taking your turn at the wheel.

Whether you’re with us because you have no particular place to go with Chuck Berry, you’re looking for a ride home with The Cars or you simply can’t manage the speed limit with Sammy Hagar – we’re here with Prince’s Little Red Corvette, ready to ride down Bruce Springsteen’s Thunder Road. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


RESO Remote Encore: A Smashing Success!

Resoremoteencore Zoom

Thanks again to everyone who joined us last week at RESO Remote Encore, including Snoop D-O-Double-G from the LBC and honorary lifelong teenager, Alice Cooper!

You did great, attendees. You advanced the state of real estate standards. You earned a temporary breather from all things RESO. School’s out.


That was nice. Let’s get back to it! We have a long way to go!


In case you missed any of the presentations, head over to our YouTube channel, hit “Subscribe” and check out our growing collection of goodies from the incredible week that was.


Resoremoteencore Game Winners

Sleeveface Contest Winners

The winners of the RESO Remote Encore #StandardsAreClassic Sleeveface game (sponsored by were Josh Garbin and Ellen Montemurno, both from Real Estate Information Network (REIN).

How about that?! Well done!



Resoremoteencore Placemarker Winners

Placemaker Selfie Winners

The winners of the RESO Remote Encore Placemarker Selfie game (sponsored by SEI NAVICA, Inc.) included Kerry Rakuson from Prospects Software and John Breault from Rhode Island Association of REALTORS® & State-Wide MLS, among others. Many thanks to all who participated.



Proposed NAR MLS Policy and Model Rules for NOW


The draft NOW policy and model National Association of REALTORS® MLS rules from the brokerage community are ready for review. Let’s dig in with Council of MLSs and get this right.


NOW is…

  • For participants
  • Data they already have
  • Not display of confidential data
  • Not unfettered usage or derivative works
  • Keeping the good, losing the unnecessarily bad
  • Simplified rules and processes for MLSs and brokers


RESO Committees and Workgroups

Workgroup Weekly Activity GraphicNote: Most links to workgroup information require member login to RESO’s online collaboration environment, Confluence.

All nine workgroups met during the RESO Remote Encore fall conference.

Be on the lookout for updated notes for each group on our Confluence member collaboration site and here in this space next Monday.

Transport Workgroup News
During the RESO Remote Encore fall conference, the Transport Workgroup adopted the Web API Core and the RESO Data Dictionary 1.7 Testing Specifications as part of the RESO standards. The RESO Board of Directors will perform a final review of the workgroup efforts, but this key vote is a major step toward opening up the certification pipeline again. 

Data Dictionary Workgroup News
During the RESO Remote Encore fall conference, the Data Dictionary Workgroup closed Data Dictionary 1.8. Other directives were also voted into the Data Dictionary during the meeting, and those votes will be described here next week, but for those who have been working on the Data Dictionary for the past two years, this note needed to be shared immediately. Congratulations to all who have contributed. This is yet another momentous occasion in the development of interoperable data standards.


Workgroup Meetings This Week

  • November 3: Authorization Information for Data Consumers Subgroup (Subgroup of the Data Dictionary Workgroup)

Online Meetings Laptop Graphic