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Colette Stevenson is the CEO of Hilton Head MLS in South Carolina, a 42-year-old independent MLS, where she oversees an operation that manages over 20 real estate data services provided to real estate agents and facilitates $3 billion in transactions annually.

Hilton Head MLS is a leader in promoting RESO standards for the industry. In fact, all of the MLS’s data partners are required to be RESO members to access Hilton Head’s data.


As a first-time attendee to a RESO conference, in this video, Stevenson shares her experience, explains the value of a RESO conference for MLS CEOs, what they can learn at RESO conferences, and why they need to attend.

Fresh from the floors of a recent RESO Conference, Stevenson admits the experience was “quite exciting, though a little overwhelming.” She also explains that being in attendance is important to a CEO because, “in the position I’m in, it’s imperative that we be ahead as much as we can of what the trends are and the only way to know what they are is to see them coming.”

Stevenson says that when she first arrived at the RESO Conference, she was immediately exposed to some of the interesting and exciting new ideas – takeaways that she can use. She notes this is the kind of information that she will keep in mind when adding new tasks to her Hilton Head ‘to-do list.’

As a word of advice, Stevenson cautions her fellow MLS CEO’s that while a RESO Conference “can be intimidating” to someone who is not a “techie,” it’s helpful to get exposed to the lingo. The RESO sessions help a CEO gain a clearer understanding about “what players are needed in development, how many are needed, their responsibilities, what tools they’re using, who they’re working with and so forth.”

“You don’t necessarily need to know coding when attending,” she adds.

Jeremy Crawford, CEO of RESO, says one of the big motivations to making the RESO Fall Conferences more business focused – with the Spring RESO Conferences more tech-centric –was to offer more business sessions to help business leaders understand the value of RESO standards and not have everything be “all Geek,” he said.

The result is that this year’s RESO Fall Conference (October 15-18) will be loaded with business sessions that will attract more CEOs and other business leaders, Crawford noted. “Only at a RESO Conference can you see some of the most innovative products and services for brokers and agents powered by RESO Standards,” he said.

The other big benefit CEOs get by attending the fall conference?  “CEOs have the opportunity to network with the best minds in the business, as well as have a seat at the table to help shape the future for the entire industry,” Crawford added.


Are you ready for your first RESO Conference? RESO Conferences are known to sell out fast! Don’t miss the early bird registration discount for the fall RESO conference in Milwaukee  – which ends August 14! The event information, special hotel rates for attendees, and early bird registration discount information are here.

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