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HomeServices of America, IT Directory, Edina Realty Home Services

2019 BOD Nominee – Class D

  1. What are the three most important priorities or initiatives that RESO should pursue during the next two years?
  • Assure we’re meeting one of our core values: Business Driven. How are we helping providers and what are the gaps?  This will propel adoption and utilization.
  • Security. Focus on data integrity, privacy, and secure data transfer standards.
  • Transport. Continue to evolved Web API and other data integration technologies.
  1. How do you see your contributions as a board member being utilized for realizing these priorities?
  • I’ve been leading IT development teams for more than two decades.  We’ve built our website ( that integrates 13 MLS’s from 3 providers Paragon, Flex and Core Logic every 15 minutes.  We’ve integrated our website metrics into our CRM.  I’ve worked on establishing standards for all Home Services of America brokerages.
  1. The Board meets regularly, via conference calls and some in-person. Board members also are called to serve on or chair committees and special task forces. Are you willing and able to meet the time requirements to serve as a director for a 2 year term?
  • Yes, I’m available to meet the commitments of a board member for the next two years.  I will be actively engaged in helping the organization achieve their strategic goals.
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