President & CEO, Midwest Real Estate Data LLC
1. What are the three most important priorities or initiatives that RESO should pursue during the next two years?
• Adoption of Current Standards –
RESO’s focus on removing roadblocks that inhibit adoption is essential. The organization can focus on streamlining certification, creating additional education pieces or other tools to guide MLSs and vendors through the transition process, and improving overall adoption metrics across the industry.
• Internet Tracking Standard –
Big data is part of the technology strategy for MLSs and brokers alike. Big data magnifies decision-making power, which leads to greater efficiencies. Creating greater efficiencies was one of the primary reasons that RESO was chartered in the first place. Through the great work being done by RESO’s Internet Tracking Workgroup, a new industry initiative (which I call IDX 2.0) can be created. Like its version 1 counterpart, IDX 2.0 will leverage the network effect brought to bear by MLSs to create a combined achievement that’s far greater than the sum of its parts.
• Interoperability Standard –
As broker and vendor platforms become more robust and widely used, platform interoperability becomes even more important. Laying the groundwork for technology systems to talk to each other will allow the real estate industry to share data across platforms more easily. Additionally, instead of spending time and money on data entry and management, companies can improve their products for consumers. Investing in more resources to support development of subgroups like the common schema will accelerate interoperability success. Plug and play interoperability is the BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal) for the real estate industry!
2. How do you see your contributions as a board member being utilized for realizing these priorities?
• I have served as an on RESO’s Board of Directors for seven years (four as Board Chair) and have been an MLS CEO for more than a decade. As the first official Charter Member of RESO, MRED has a long history of being an evangelist for the creation and promulgation of RESO standards. MRED’s CTO (Chris Haran) currently serves as the Interoperability Workgroup chair.
In my capacity as the current Board Chair for The MLS Grid, I’ve supported driving the adoption of RESO Web API standards across the industry. The MLS Grid’s technology workgroup has made many contributions that expand the common fields in RESO’s Data Dictionary. The MLS Grid is committed to enabling easier technology innovation in real estate through RESO.
I also serve on the Boards of The Broker Public Portal and CMLS. This gives me a unique ability to bring insight from RESO into the board rooms of these other important organizations, and vice versa.
3. The Board meets regularly, via conference calls and some in-person. Board members also are called to serve on or chair committees and special taskforces. Are you willing and able to meet the time requirements to serve as a director for a 2-year term?
• I have previously received RESO’s Contributor Hall of Fame recognition because I take the role of RESO Board Member very seriously. I’ve seen RESO’s value firsthand and I’m dedicated to spreading its compelling story across the industry for the betterment of real estate. I would be honored to continue serving on RESO’s Board of Directors.