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Internet Tracking Workgroup

Internet Tracking Workgroup how they manage the standard for tracking consumer activity related to real estate data - graphicThis workgroup manages the standard for tracking consumer activity related to real estate data.

By tracking activity in a consistent manner across many different technology platforms, the creators and owners of that data can determine where it is being utilized and how to manage decisions about its usage.

The Internet Tracking Workgroup meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every other month at 3:00 pm ET / 12:00 pm PT. JOIN A RESO WORKGROUP

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Chris Lambrou, Internet Tracking Workgroup Chair

Chris Lambrou

Internet Tracking Workgroup Chair – Chris Lambrou, CIO, Metro MLS
Chris works and lives in beautiful Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Prior to Metro MLS, he was at Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED) in Chicago. He has decades of MLS industry experience and is an active IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) volunteer. Chris is an award-winning software architect, a customer service activist, an IT mongrel, an accomplished musician (in his own mind), a baseball enthusiast and a daddy of two (the most challenging task of all).

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