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Organization FAQ

  • What is RESO?

    The Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) is an independent, nonprofit standards body that develops data standards to create efficiencies for all participants in real estate transactions.

    More Info on About RESO


  • Who can make use of RESO standards?

    RESO standards are open standards, available to the world at no cost, as RESO’s mission is to drive efficiency throughout the real estate technology industry. RESO also provides premium products and services for purchase that enhance an organization’s ability to capitalize on standards.

    More Info on About RESO


  • What benefits do RESO’s technology standards bring to the real estate industry?

    Technology standards remove ambiguity and incompatibility across different systems, resulting in more consistent and higher quality data. Standards increase efficiency, helping businesses bring new innovation and competition to the industry.

    More Info on About RESO


  • Where is the GitHub repository of technical specifications and testing rules for RESO standards?

    RESO’s GitHub repository maintains the ongoing development of RESO’s ratified standards and proposed specifications, particularly those that require RESO certification.

    More Info on RESO GitHub


  • Who are RESO’s members?

    RESO’s members include MLSs, brokerages, REALTOR® associations and technology partners serving nearly two million real estate professionals.

    More Info on About RESO


  • What is RESO’s mission and vision?

    RESO’s mission is to create and promote the adoption and utilization of standards that drive efficiency throughout the real estate industry. RESO envisions a streamlined real estate technology industry through the use of its standards.

    More Info on About RESO


  • What is the impact of RESO’s standards outside the U.S.?

    Since 2020, RESO’s standards have been implemented by MLSs and technology companies across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Australia.

    More Info on About RESO


  • Who are the organization’s leadership and staff?

    RESO’s board of directors represents its membership and drives its strategy, while its staff manages the organization’s operations.

    More Info on About RESO


  • How can I contact RESO?

    RESO can be contacted via email at or by phone at 919.504.9898.

    More Info on About RESO


  • What is RESO’s mailing address?

    RESO is located at PO Box 10824, Raleigh, NC 27605.

    More Info on About RESO


  • How many MLSs have been certified on RESO standards?

    More than 90% of MLSs are regularly in good standing for certification on RESO standards.

    More Info on RESO Certification


  • The RESO logo can only be used by authorized members and partners of RESO. Questions about the RESO logo can be directed to RESO’s Marketing and Communications department.

    More Info on RESO Logos


  • Where can I find official RESO documentation like bylaws, policies, declarations and licenses?

    The RESO Forms and Policies page includes:

    • Bylaws
    • Certification Terms and Conditions
    • Declaration of Use of RESO Standards
    • End User License Agreement (EULA)
    • Member Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (MIPRA)
    • Membership Application Invoice
    • Nonmember Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (NMIPRA)
    • Policies and Procedures
    • Trademark License Agreement (TMA)
    • Website Privacy Policy
    • Website Terms and Conditions

    More Info on RESO Forms and Policies


  • Can I get MLS data, property records, Web API access or credentials from RESO?

    RESO does not provide MLS real estate data, property records or access to the APIs of other organizations. RESO creates the standards for the data, and other organizations build technology based upon it. Access to data from a Web API service comes from the MLS or other data provider organization. Data consumers work directly with that organization’s API provider or technical staff to receive credentials and instructions on how to access data.

    More Info on About RESO


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