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RESO Analytics FAQ

  • What is RESO Analytics?

    RESO Analytics is a platform that provides unmatched insights into real estate data. Through RESO technical certifications, detailed reports and visualizations are created to provide an objective picture of how real estate data is being employed across the industry. These products organize vast sets of metadata on industry standard and unique local data elements, bringing transparency to decision making for industry organizations and their technology collaboration partners.

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  • Who benefits from RESO Analytics?

    MLSs, brokerages, technology partners and real estate consumers benefit from the transparency and efficiency that the RESO Analytics platform creates.

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  • What data sources does RESO Analytics use?

    RESO Analytics uses data derived under the terms and conditions of the RESO certification process.

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  • What benefit does data visualization provide in RESO Analytics?

    Data visualization helps users, especially nontechnical managers, quickly interpret complex data through charts, graphs and other visual tools.

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  • What does RESO Analytics report on technology system performance?

    RESO Analytics reports server performance statistics for opted-in, certified RESO Web API services compared to industry averages.

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  • Is RESO Analytics a grading system?

    RESO Analytics is a platform for objective information and insights. It does not assign value judgements or grades on technology.

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  • How can an MLS get listed on RESO Analytics?

    MLS software vendors test MLS systems, achieve a passing grade and send passed certification reports to their MLS customers for final approval to achieve the certified status that gets them listed on RESO Analytics.

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  • What types of reports are available on RESO Analytics?

    RESO Analytics certification reports include data advertisement (metadata), data availability (payloads), API capabilities and server performance. Premium reports include industry, provider, market and consumer alignment reports.

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  • What are Industry Alignment Reports?

    Industry Alignment Reports serve to align the data set of a recipient (MLS) against industry average data sets.

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  • What are Provider Alignment Reports?

    Provider Alignment Reports align MLS data across multiple API vendors.

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  • What are Market Alignment Reports?

    Market Alignment Reports serve to align multiple MLS data sets in overlapping markets.

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  • What are Consumer Alignment Reports?

    Consumer Alignment Reports serve to align multiple MLS data sets across different markets for data consumers.

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  • How do RESO Analytics reports benefit technology developers?

    RESO Analytics reports allow developers to build innovative products that scale quickly and help current providers improve their systems.

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  • What is the RESO Analytics Aggregate Data Service?

    The Data Aggregate Service provides information about how many MLSs are using specific data elements from the Data Dictionary. It is diplayed on the pages of the Data Dictionary Wiki.

    More Info on RESO Analytics Aggregate Data Service


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