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RESO Common Format FAQ

  • What is the RESO Common Format (RCF) standard?

    RESO Common Format (RCF) is an API-agnostic standardized format for data exchange by all parties in the real estate industry, ensuring consistency and interoperability. RCF is a normative JSON data format that corresponds with the RESO Data Dictionary and is compatible with existing Web API implementations for retrieving or creating data.

    More Info on RESO Common Format


  • Why is a common format important for real estate data?

    Not all real estate entities use the Web API, but they all have technology products that receive data. RESO Common Format (RCF) ensures that data can be easily shared and understood across various platforms, reducing errors, improving efficiency and enabling new products, integrations and collaborations.

    More Info on RESO Common Format


  • What types of data are covered by the RESO Common Format (RCF)?

    The format supports any range of real estate data, including standard and unique local property details, transaction information, appraisal, tours, assessment, showings, media, and member records.

    More Info on RESO Common Format


  • Who can use and get certified on RESO Common Format (RCF)?

    RCF can be used by any participant in real estate technology: brokerages, reporting and analytics vendors, digital tour and media companies, showing services, association management systems, and more.

    More Info on RESO Common Format


  • What is the process to apply for RCF certification?

    Have your technical provider email If your organization is not yet a member and would like to access free certification, email

    More Info on Certification


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