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RESO Data Dictionary FAQ

  • What is the RESO Data Dictionary?

    The RESO Data Dictionary is the real estate industry’s universal language for data. It empowers a wide range of systems to talk to each other in a seamless manner. The Data Dictionary provides a format for industry standard data, unique local data, international variations and language translations.

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  • Why was the Data Dictionary created?

    The RESO Data Dictionary was developed to standardize data terms and structures to create efficiency in the connected digital real estate industry, which evolved from printed MLS books and proprietary legacy computer systems.

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  • What are the main components of the Data Dictionary?

    The main components of the Data Dictionary are a tree structure of resources, fields and lookups (aka enumerations). Resources are major categories such as Property, Member (i.e., real estate agents), Office (i.e., real estate brokers) and Media (i.e., photographs, videos, virtual tours). Fields are specific data points grouped together in resources. For example, ListPrice and StandardStatus are fields within the Property Resource. Lookups are specific types of fields with options for values, such as the lookup field Fencing with lookup options for Vinyl, Wood, Wrought Iron and 26 other lookups.

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  • What are resources in the Data Dictionary?
    Resources are the highest level categorization in the Data Dictionary. Property, Member (i.e., real estate agents), Office (i.e., real estate brokers) and Media (i.e., photographs, videos, virtual tours) are examples of resources. More Info on Data Dictionary  
  • What are fields in the Data Dictionary?

    Fields are specific data points grouped together in resources. For example, ListPrice and StandardStatus are fields within the Property Resource.

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  • What are lookups in the Data Dictionary?

    Lookups are specific types of fields with options for values, such as the lookup field Fencing with lookup values for Vinyl, Wood, Wrought Iron and 26 other lookups.

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  • How can the Data Dictionary be accessed?

    The current Data Dictionary can be accessed via the DD 2.0 Wiki at It can also be downloaded in spreadsheet format.

    More Info on Data Dictionary Wiki


  • What are the benefits of using the Data Dictionary?

    Benefits include simplified integrations, faster creation of new tools, a seal of approval from RESO certification and enhanced industry innovations, competition and collaboration.

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  • What is the purpose of the Data Dictionary Wiki?

    The Data Dictionary Wiki provides detailed information on data resources, fields and lookups (aka enumerations), guiding the development of data systems. It has extensive cross-links to guide users through the connected layers of the dictionary.

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  • What do extensibility and omissibility mean for the Data Dictionary?

    Extensibility with the Data Dictionary means data providers can create new local fields to address specific needs that are not currently covered by the Data Dictionary and still be in compliance with the standard. Omissibility allows data providers to exclude fields that are irrelevant for their business needs from their technology implementations. These features ensure that the Data Dictionary can meet the needs of diverse organizations without compromising the standardization of core data elements.

    More Info on Extensibility & Omissibility in the RESO Data Dictionary


  • Can an organization get a Data Dictionary certification if its data includes both standard fields and unique local fields?

    The Data Dictionary’s extensibility feature means that data providers can create new local fields to address specific needs that are not currently covered by the Data Dictionary and still be in compliance with the standard for certification.

    More Info on Extensibility & Omissibility in the RESO Data Dictionary


  • Is usage of the entire Data Dictionary required for certification?

    Implementation of the entire Data Dictionary is not expected or required for certification. The dictionary standard’s omissibility feature allows data providers to only use the elements relevant to their specific needs.

    More Info on Extensibility & Omissibility in the RESO Data Dictionary


  • Can the Data Dictionary be extended or translated into other languages?

    RESO provides a standard for delivering multi-language metadata in the Data Dictionary, and it has been extended to other languages in several countries.

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  • Who contributes to the Data Dictionary, and how can a change or addition be proposed?

    Contributors include technologists and business leaders from MLSs, REALTOR® associations, brokerages and vendors. Proposals can be submitted to RESO staff and the Data Dictionary Workgroup at

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  • How often are new fields added to the Data Dictionary?

    New fields are added to the Data Dictionary year-round and often ratified annually in new versions of the standard to support evolving industry needs.

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  • What is the Lookup Resource in the RESO Data Dictionary?

    The Lookup Resource defines the values for lookups (enumerations) in metadata. It contains predefined lists of acceptable values for specific fields and alternative mappings for deprecated items. The Lookup Resource is not currently mandatory for certification, but it is highly recommended to ensure consistent used of standard and local data elements, facilitating smoother data exchanges.

    More Info on Data Dictionary with Lookup Resource


  • What format criteria or validation rules are required by the Data Dictionary?

    The Data Dictionary specification includes validation rules that are enforced to ensure that data entries meet specified criteria, such as value ranges or formats, maintaining data quality and integrity.

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