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RESO Analytics

RESO Analytics is a platform that provides unmatched insights into real estate data. Through RESO technical certifications, detailed reports and visualizations are created to provide an objective picture of how real estate data is being employed across the industry. These products organize vast sets of metadata on industry standard and unique local data elements, bringing transparency to decision making for industry organizations and their technology collaboration partners.

RESO Analytics

The technical capabilities, utilization and performance of real estate’s largest data providers are certified and published on RESO Analytics. This information will drive interoperability and efficiency for Multiple Listing Services (MLSs), brokerages, technology partners and real estate consumers.

RESO Analytics

“The RESO Analytics platform is the final piece of the puzzle in validating RESO standards. This platform will be the lens we look through to make informed data decisions for our industry.”  – Dan Troup, CEO, Broker Public Portal

Big Data, Broad Insights

MLSs aggregate broker listings into central locations. They make listing data accessible for the technology tools that brokers, agents and consumers use. RESO Analytics paints two new pictures of that MLS information.

1. A telescope view, showing how real estate’s data looks across the entire industry. This view creates opportunities for better information analysis tools that cross marketplaces and borders.

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2. A microscope view, detailing the intricacies of each system’s data sets. This view allows individual technology providers to better understand how customers of their service see the information output.

RESO Analytics: Microscope View of Technology System

“As one of the most-visited real estate sites in the U.S., helps millions of people put homes for sale or rent into context with features that are personalized to their needs. In that regard, RESO Analytics is a game changer. It will help sites like and others develop and evolve online search experiences that empower consumers with the information they need to succeed in today’s marketplace.” – Bob Evans, SVP of Industry Relations, Move

Individual Analysis

Users of real estate technology systems now have a platform to compare the different data capabilities of those tools. RESO Analytics reports deliver insights about technology alignment across MLSs, markets and vendor software platforms. Access to the trove of available RESO Analytics industry data will empower real estate business leaders to make informed, data-driven decisions about the technology they consume and share with customers.

RESO Analytics microscope view

RESO Analytics is not a grading system. It is a platform of information and insights to help the real estate industry ask better questions:

  • How much of the RESO Data Dictionary is being used in current MLS systems?
  • Which fields are aligned across the many MLSs that a broker works in?
  • How well can this technology system service my company’s technology needs?

The RESO Analytics reports on data fields (e.g., List Price and Lot Size) and pick list lookups (e.g., Status and Condition) will allow technology developers to build innovative products that scale more quickly across the industry. And they will help current technology providers tune their systems and provide even greater value for their customers.

Technology System Performance

RESO Analytics technology system server performanc

Providers of certified RESO Web API services to MLSs are able to see their performance statistics on RESO Analytics compared to industry averages. This has resulted in greatly improved speeds.

Data Alignment Across Systems

Alignment reports from RESO Analytics take published data from the RESO certification process and organize it into practical, actionable visualizations and comparisons. These reports save organizations significant time in constructing comparative data frameworks, allowing technical staff, data analysts, and business management to focus on the critical details necessary to make their data collaborations work.

One data provider might have multiple systems delivering its data. An MLS, for example, might have 3 Web API services and data share with 4 other MLSs. RESO Analytics provides Alignment Reports which illustrate how these data sets line up and where they may need adjustment to align.

Alignment Graphs

A data provider can compare how its data looks in multiple different technology products to improve product planning and decision making for future technology integrations and upgrades. And they can also compare their data sets with potential data partners to see where their information will align for collaborative initiatives.

Where Does the Data Come From?

RESO primarily certifies Data Dictionary-compliant information coming from Web API services. The data from published certification reports underpins the alignment tools, aggregates and visualizations that make up the member benefit and premium RESO Analytics reports. It’s critical that the industry’s data insights come from certified, standardized data sets that show a true picture of the information surrounding the real property of consumers.

There are other MLS data sources in the industry, including older deprecated systems like RETS, that are not certified and generally unstandardized. These data sources will not be reported upon through RESO Analytics.

For data consumers to reap the benefits of standards and these new analytics insights, they must use certified data systems. The leading MLSs are moving 100 percent of their customers to Web API.

The Process for Getting Listed on RESO Analytics

  • MLS software vendors test their systems and approve certification reports for MLSs from within the RESO Analytics platform. At this point, an MLS is considered Passed.
  • The vendor sends the reports to their MLS customer for approval. Upon approval, the MLS is considered Certified.
  • Published reports are displayed at for individual analysis.

Member Benefit RESO Analytics Services

RESO Analytics Certification Reports: Public reports published by certification recipients, showing the metadata of fields and lookups used in the system as well as availability percentages (how often these data elements are used).

Industry Alignment Reports: Alignment of the data set of a provider (MLS) vs. industry average data sets

Aggregate Data Service: Information in the Data Dictionary Wiki about how many MLSs are using specific data elements from the Data Dictionary 

Premium Services Available for Purchase

Provider Alignment Reports: Alignment of MLS data across multiple API vendors

Market Alignment Reports: Alignment of multiple MLS data sets in overlapping markets

Consumer Alignment Reports: Alignment of multiple MLS data sets across different markets for data consumers, particularly brokers (Coming Soon)

READ MORE: Real Estate Data’s Next Chapter: RESO Analytics

WATCH MORE: RESO Analytics Unveiling at the RESO 2022 Spring Conference


RESO runs meta-analyses on RESO Analytics data for industrywide aggregate reporting and visualizations that will guide technology providers toward data-driven decision making. 


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