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White Papers

RESO white papers delve into implementations of RESO standards and highlight the products and services that RESO offers or plans to offer.

The papers provide the business and technical aspects of why an undertaking is useful and what problems it can solve.

Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI)

ULI White Paper Final
Data inaccuracy across systems is caused by a lack of an industry-wide identifier for licensees.

State licenses, association IDs and MLS IDs do not convey a single identifier that creates consistency across systems and geographies.

Licensees are often duplicated to accommodate MLS access needs, and this problem is compounded when individuals work across state lines.

Licensee listing, sales and roster information across MLSs, advertising portals, associations, franchisors, broker back office tools and services providers are disjointed and unnecessarily complicated.

The RESO Unique Licensee Identifier (ULI) can solve this problem by providing a unique ID for every licensed real estate professional, linked to all real estate licenses held, creating efficiency and clarity across all technology systems. |  READ MORE

Internet Tracking Summary Fields

Graphic - Internet Tracking Summary FieldsWhen a real estate agent posts a listing for sale across the Internet’s vast range of MLS, agent and consumer-direct tools, that performance can be measured.

Agents want to be able to inform their customers about their overall listing exposure to potential buyers and compare the effectiveness of their advertising platforms.

RESO’s Internet Tracking Summary Report provides that opportunity. By displaying the engagement statistics about a listing’s performance on each Internet outlet that the listing is advertised on, agents and consumers can have candid conversations about where their listing promotion is most effective in reaching buyers. |  READ MORE


Adopting Green Verification and Power Production Fields

Graphic - Adopting Green Verification and Power Production FieldsPrimeMLS, formerly known as the New England Real Estate Network (NEREN), is a regional MLS with more than 9,700 subscribers. Their former Director of Marketing & Communications, Meg Garabrant, worked with RESO staff to put together a white paper with explanations and detailed examples of how they adopted the RESO standards for Green Verification (GV) and Power Production (PP) field collections.

As data elements like green fields become more important to consumers who are making purchase decisions based on the information contained in those fields, it is important that there is a commonality to how that data is presented.

The presence of a common schema is critical for interoperability and technology advances in the marketplace. It can help reduce perceived risk for MLS members, provide more comprehensive data to the market, increase buyer confidence, shorten days on market, increase potential for a higher selling price, and provide critical information for the appraisal and financing of these properties. | READ MORE


Open Standards and the Real Estate Industry

Graphic - Open Standards RESO White PaperWhat if you could tap a button – like you do to pair a Bluetooth device – and all your MLS data would instantly populate on all your applications instantly? That’s what Open Standards are all about!

This White Paper discusses more about these standards and their significance in the industry. | READ MORE


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