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RESO Workgroups

Thousands of RESO members volunteer their time as subject matter experts to create standards. From the Data Dictionary to unique ID systems and the Web API, RESO’s workgroup members are the driving force for the organization.

Lecture hall 2023 RESO Spring Conference

Workgroups meet remotely throughout the year and in person twice per year at RESO conferences. | JOIN A RESO WORKGROUP

Workgroup participation is primarily limited to the staff of current RESO member organizations. After you submit a request to join a workgroup, you will be invited to join the RESO Workgroup Collaboration System, which is managed through Confluence, a web-based corporate wiki from Atlassian. You will also be added to a meeting calendar managed through Google Groups.

RESO Workgroups: Input to Implementation

Audience lecture hall 2023 RESO Spring Conference

Research & Development Workgroup

The RESO R&D Workgroup solicits and reviews business cases from the real estate community. It ensures that these topics are ready to be addressed and identifies which RESO workgroup or other related organization, such as the Council of MLSs or the National Association of REALTORS®, should investigate potential solutions. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT WORKGROUP

RESO Workgroup: Broker AdvisoryBroker Advisory Workgroup

The RESO Broker Advisory Workgroup brings brokerage and technology partners together to collect industry pain points. No technical expertise is required to join and contribute to this workgroup. Its mission is to identify brokerage-related industry issues that RESO’s technical workgroups may be able to solve. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BROKER ADVISORY WORKGROUP

Data Dictionary Workgroup

The RESO Data Dictionary is the real estate industry’s universal language for data. It allows a wide range of systems to talk to each other in a seamless manner. This group meets regularly to expand and enhance the vast data guide that the Data Dictionary provides to the industry. Subgroups often form within this group in order to tackle specific industry issues. Recent subgroups have included the Rental Subgroup, Commercial Real Estate Subgroup and Showing Subgroup. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE DATA DICTIONARY WORKGROUP

RESO Workgroup: TransportTransport Workgroup

The Transport Workgroup provides technical expertise for the continued development of data transport standards. The workgroup’s primary focus is in growing the standardization and capabilities of the RESO Web API. Subgroups often form within this group in order to tackle specific industry issues. Recent subgroups have included the Certification Subgroup, Data Consumers Subgroup and Certification Analytics Subgroup. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRANSPORT WORKGROUP

Internet Tracking Workgroup

The Internet Tracking Workgroup provides a model for tracking user activity related to real estate data across any system. This standard provides the opportunity for real estate professionals to compare listing data activity from many different outlets in a single dashboard or tool. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE INTERNET TRACKING WORKGROUP

Universal Parcel Identifier (UPI) Workgroup

The Universal Parcel Identifier (UPI) Workgroup has created a model to globally and accurately identify properties. The UPI standard solves the problem of inconsistent and duplicate property identifiers across local, regional and national governmental organizations. It improves accuracy and information quality across property data sets. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE UPI WORKGROUP

RESO Workgroup: InteroperabilityInteroperability Workgroup

The Interoperability Workgroup creates solutions that ensure that different industry systems can seamlessly work together. In driving standardized models for sharing listing and customer data across transaction management and related systems, this workgroup creates efficiency for industry professionals and consumers. | LEARN MORE ABOUT THE INTEROPERABILITY WORKGROUP


Subgroups have become an important aspect of creating RESO standards. These groups are frequently more focused on specific pain points, attacking problems and bringing vetted solutions forward to the more traditional workgroups.

Certification Subgroup
This group works hand in hand with the Transport Workgroup to identify and resolve any issues related to rules, testing, reporting and other topics related specifically to RESO Certification.

Fast Track Subgroup
This group reviews certification testing items that reveal potential disallowed variations on Data Dictionary standard data elements and suggests mappings to standard data elements. The group approves permissible variations to pass testing, requires disallowed variations to be altered prior to certification and may refer some items to the Data Dictionary Workgroup for further review or additions.

RESO workgroup and subgroup meetings are conducted via a RESO Zoom account (or other software) and/or at in-person gatherings at RESO conferences. Individuals and/or organizations must be members of RESO in order to participate in online workgroup meetings. Special guests and nonmember subject matter experts are invited to meetings when needed.


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